Thursday, April 21, 2011

The trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside.

September when the dimension, the sequence is Sanqiu.

Warriors from the Qin start practicing "Yan Yang Scriptures", and after a month or. Let Qin Warriors delight, he was able initially to Yan Yang interior strength first, two-story freely use, those who are poor, but the furnace.

Any one martial art world, reaches the end, the furnace is more than words.

The same is a martial art, with real force in the territory of Kudan Shoudi Xia, and Zhen Wu environment than some, nature is quite different.

But the heat of the word, but there is no possibility of opportunistic, in addition to hard training, or training hard. Practice makes perfect.

Fortunately, there are past lives Qin unparalleled experience base, training them more effective. Reaches the second level within a month, the speed can not say unhappy.

Qin Warriors who not only know how hard at practice, on the contrary, he was always concerned about the trend around, it will own at any time to learn things, and the practice of the law of the world confirm each other.

"Yan Yang Scriptures" I got to the second level, is sufficient for any real force in the world turned its territory Sec master, even if it is true throughout the three segments Wu, Qin Warriors have Liucheng sure to win.

To his immediate combat capability, four paragraphs Zhenwu environment, is his potential rival.

But this is not enough to be his pride of the capital, Zhen Wu border four paragraphs - put it plainly, the true face of Wu Kau throughout eight, and armed forces are not much different environment.

"Zhen Wu Kau ... environment ..." Qin Warriors chewing words, this is equivalent to the peak strength of his previous life term, like the sky after the rain, and gradually become clear.

"It seems that I have to redouble our efforts to it!" Qin Warriors refer only a prick of the void to hear "laugh" is heard, he was one meter away from a leaf, the flow down.

This is the "Yang Ning means" supernatural powers, is said to be past life history of the royal family to stay in Dali ancient martial art, Dali Duan, in the ancient Chinese Wu Jie, which ah, but an ancient Holy Land!

Qin unparalleled in no hurry to practice some of the top past life martial art, but more appropriate to pick two martial art, to match "Yan Yang Scriptures," the interior strength practice, in order to strengthen its combat capability.

One is that the "Ning Yang means", there is a "nine yang palm", supplemented by "Yan Yang Scriptures" internal strength that force the door interior strength masterpiece Code, which two martial art skills, you can get over the level of play!

Especially the "Ning Yang means", reaches the limit at, but also upgraded to "day clock Ning Jin Jian" means poke into the sword, the release of intangible Jian Qi, killing invisible, people keep track of.

But at this stage, he even "Ning Yang means" only just mastered know-how, apparently not to the cocoon stage of adult metamorphosis.

Wide open the doors of the "Nine Yang palm," Tough on the high-handed, than the "condensate Yang means" even more. Is a major attack Qin unparalleled martial past life, this life will naturally not be missed.

"Nine Yang palm" a total of nine sub-type, as he is now training out of the Yan Yang interior strength, it is only able to palm it reaches the third.

A rising sun, two Yang Zheng-Hui, an auspicious beginning ... ...

Until the ninth charge of the "Nine Yang mieshi" power step by step increase, reaches its peak, Qin Wu Musou territory that is true even if the peak Kudan, eat this beat, and it certainly is a dead word.

The "Nine Yang palm" of the three palm drills several times, have understood, after a halt, which was then strengthened several times, watching passers-by have been walking in the aisle, this Court back toward the military child.

No one went to her quarters, it was a whirlwind East Linzhen Wu Tong stopped. Wu Tong Qin Warriors a little impression of this, called the small side, the statement that he and Hu Zi Zhanqindaigu, very close, you can claim to be a confidant of a sworn statement Hu Zi class.

"No ... ... unparalleled Costa Rica." Side to running a small panic in the face.

"What?" Qin Warriors lightly asked.

"Zi Zi Yan ... ... ... ... by their brother was arrested and."

"Who?" Unfortunately, he really is compound, the group of guys could not find him, sooner or later people will be angry with next.

Although the Warriors have been intentionally alienated Qin Zi Yan Hu a, but did not guarantee his safety.

"Is Zhang Xian them. I went to Dean, Dean just does not." Square Small breath, do not stutter, and breath said.

"Just do not?" Qin Warriors cold smile, Jiucheng nine, that gold is not easy to not just, or deliberately "not" my son.

"They Zi Yan to the where to go? I went to see." Qin Warriors psyche, or enjoy the Hu-tzu made this person to punch a few months before dared to remind him to return to East Town, the courage to be see that this is a comparison of the Friends of the Friendship Association of loyal people.

What's more, can not let innocent people because of their aggrieved, which is unparalleled in this world and man of Qin's bottom line.

Zhang Xian not always find him again to make trouble it? Ye Hao, in return for the former when it is left to their own body of grace, that sum today, old scores will be liquidated first serve, but also should be accountable to the former!

"Take me to." Think of this, Qin Warriors understatement Road.

Little Mean Square: "They went to the back yard of bamboo Lin Qiu, and unparalleled brother, let's go there to look at Dean."

"Do not go to the bamboo Linqiu!" Go too white to go, do not want you to find people, how to find is no good.

Small parties can not say, clutching his shoulder, the pace brisk, and ran toward the backyard bamboo Linqiu direction.

Wu Tong Wu Tong those homes, see Zhang Xian Zi Yan Hu, who put away, to know that exciting to see, have booing, followed by ran toward the bamboo Linqiu.

To see a small square with Qin Warriors appeared in, it is very exciting, a kind of premonition, but also staged exciting content!

These weapons are not chaos children are the main fear of the world, killing people playing live, without harm to their own half root hairs, as well as lively look, this so good why not?

"See No, just go Qin Warriors chase. Is not this kid is afraid to fight?" A child with a mock tone arms, contempt Road.

"This beat to death a little strong, you know Gesha! People is perhaps an effort to open from the practice of beating this level. Have not heard to martial arts skills, learn first struck?" Another child showing off his own military humor .

"Reasonable grounds, ha ha. Could it be beaten in the God of legend technology, a back injury, repair to a layer of sophistication?" Earlier that Wu-tung cheap laughs.

"Hey, you have to bullshit it. I'll bet twelve silver, the Qin Warriors are dead. Zhang Xian they planning for so long, and so is the opportunity to ah. This statement can be considered unlucky Hu Zi became buried. "

"Hey, Who can not hack the Qin family, has chosen a large family business, arouses envy it? Death is certain death, but how the problem of death."

"You say this guy is not head in the door clip is broken, the last narrow escape, do not even Duohui East Town, has the gall to blatantly Wu Tong School, his own court death ah."

The Wu-tung in small groups, you made me a language, talking about, are discussing the same issue, Qin Warriors is how this will die miserable.

Zhu Lin Qiu, Wu Tong is a cluster of low hills behind the hospital, graceful bamboo species have one, hence the name.

Qin Warriors arrived, they saw the rise of Hu Zi Yan was being hung between two long bamboo, feet up, upside down upside down, looking more embarrassed to be more embarrassed.

And Zhang Xian and others, but it is also not seen one.

Small side looked around stupidly: "Huh? Those people?"

"Hem!" Ting Feng Qin Warriors identified bit, I knew the group of bad young man hiding behind the bamboo. Do not expose, toes off the ground, body soar, seize Zi Yan Hu Flanagan tied a rope pull. Wu Zi Yan fell down along with the entire body.

A hand hold, the Wu Zi Yan catch. Zi Yan Hu fleet washed his horror everywhere blinked.

Just at that time, fast! Crashed, two net barrels of heaven, with a strong pungent odor, pouring down from the beginning.

Qin unparalleled response, and immediately scratch the body into the sky. Volley turned around the chain double pedal, kicking in the two barrels on the net.

Yi Deng leg muscles, two barrel volley net change direction, and flew back toward the bamboo.


Strength staggering through the bamboo forest deep inside the filthy thing, Sapo over the floor.

Suddenly a spirit had torn inside, covered with smelly out of several children of the nobility. One of them is that Zhang Xian. Qin Warriors plot these guys fail, but was sprinkled with a urine really find any.

The group happened to be rushed to watch the Wu-tung saw, one by one is laugh.

Wu Zi Yan Qin unparalleled body of the rope a pull off, onto the small side, the light said: "You go back."

Wu Zi Yan eat the loss, but also cross the next one mind, stubbornly shook his head: "I do not go back! But you put these people, but I also put. Today, I go nowhere, so that they look at our weapons to the East Town Children also have backbone. not necessarily all of them are cowards and cold-blooded! "

East side of Town to watch the weapons there are some children, hearing this, shame is endless. An Hen Hu Yan Zi suspect these words have a map artillery, attack surface is too large, it is discussed to play.

Zi-Qin Hu made unparalleled watching, nodded after a moment: "Well, then stay here."

Zhang Xian Lin was a smell that will be a tear off his robe, frantic roar out: "surname Qin, last hit you die, the bones and itchy is not it? Come, come, Xiao Ye let you point a long memory. "

Qin Warriors do not want to be bored child and a group of armed struggle, but today a rare opportunity, is an exception. Child in his arms so long hospital stay, is it not so these idiot tumbled into his lap? This day finally came.

"Zhang Xian, you mean, to calculate the old account?"

Qin unparalleled air of leisurely, squint, awe-inspiring to glance with Zhang Xian.

"A call, a call!"

"Zhang Xian, teach him a lesson! Can not repeat the same mistakes this time, ah!"

Zhang Xian not answer, watch the children of those weapons was the first boiling, the booing sound after another.

The Warriors of Qin in the crowd, but surprisingly enjoying it all, he needs is this rally, leaving the more like him the more enjoyable.

Children stay in the military hospital, one of the objectives, not just to send a fatal blow to the Zhang Xian, to set a reincarnation of the first prestige since it? Let the long-Qin losing ground to re-enter the mainstream view it?

Although damage to kill a small child breaking the decent Past Wu Daozong division, but that the bulk of the fly, do you want a completely crush him, buzzing in my ears all day long, noisy stop, ears are not clean child is not?

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