Thursday, April 14, 2011

Back to Wu Tong School

Made the decision back to the military hospital after the child, do not hurry back to the Lo Wu Xing Jiang Jun Cheng. But continue to spend a month in the Qin Jia Zhuang.

This month, Wu Xing strict accordance with the implementation of the plan, chickens get up every day, run ten laps around the East Town.

This is not only physical exercise, body temper, but also exercise leg muscles and endurance. The key is, this is four years, "Wu-tung test" will test the contents of a.

Qin Luo River Hill sent him to hospital studies Jun Cheng Wu-tung, one of the reasons is that for four years after the "Wu-tung test", like his Wu-tung made a good test results.

Lap back, went to move the family martial arts field ball Stone Lock, exercise the power of arm and waist.

Once this is done, it is already noon.

After a brief rest, the afternoon is the martial art of cultivation. With their past martial masculine route, select a set of "King Kong Fist" as a major attack skills.

In the evening, again, counting laps around the East Town.

Night, the early closed-door, sit in the indoor study and understanding of past life in the power formula.

Qin Hill busy business family, he had no time to supervise him. Qin sleeve contrary, she is responsible for family matters aside, single-minded younger brother to take care of daily diet from.

Family is not without servants, is not without her maid. But Qin was herself to do the sleeve for the Galaxy to be a fair diet weapons. Qin sleeve body of woman, there is no physical practice, all she has buried itself deep inside the small practice ideals, who pinned on his brother.

Wu Xing goal is to use three to six months to complete the force of arms throughout the practice.

Then, after four years before the arrival of a family of products to restore the peak state of seven or eight successful past life force.

He made these efforts, fully toward the "family of products" in this direction.

Family, all hopes are.

Of course, it's just the initial planning stage armed galaxy.

The concrete implementation to the implementation stage, have to rely on hard work and practice every day. If luck, or even feel that they can rest on our laurels, maybe not as good as previous life practicing the process of it!

Wu Xing human reincarnation, past life is great martial arts expert, martial arts practitioners will know, the biggest taboo is to own complacency.

With the goal, have a plan, implemented, Wu Xing is never vague. This month down, his day earlier than roosters, sleep later than the dog.

Month, and often goes past. Wu Xing has been reborn after getting rid of discomfort, completed a role in conversion, fully integrated into the new family which, from morning till evening every day with his family, leaving him deeply impressed by the people of Qin Jia Zhuang mellow and good, feeling affection strong day by day.

This month, he made a decision to give up the name of Wu Xing, completely, to himself as Qin Warriors.

Wu Xing, in fact, not his real name past life, this is not really the number of ancestors. In fact, his past life is simply an orphan, I do not know their parents, but I do not know last name. By an old man practicing the ancient martial adoption, because the martial arts, so the surname Wu, as the word galaxy is but the old man expected of him nothing more. The hope that his future air impact martial arts can be trained to the realm of Galaxia.

Code of past life memories and valuable experiences Wu, and Qin Warriors did not let complacency.

This morning, lap the end of the East Town Qin Warriors came back deep in the big hills, taking advantage of the warm morning breeze, and laid them out posture, boxing, such as bells, the set of "King Kong Fist" was trained in water from the wind . Each punch is the thickness of the tree hit him in the wrist, Sincere is not off target.

Sounded as crisp cracked beneath his feet, every fist down, there is a tree came crashing down.

This set of "King Kong Fist", is a past life's Tough Shaolin boxing, fight, such as King Kong, as hard as iron. Is the pinnacle of boxing boxing skills kept mistresses.

Had finished the Kata, and then they practiced the leg all the way, all the way to palm method, until the whole body wet with sweat clothes. This work slowly closing. Looking back on his boxing trunks under force, Wu Xing is very pleased with the efforts paid off this month.

Today, this "King Kong Fist" has been quite improvement, with the anger from King Viagra momentum. Although thousands of miles away from his peak period is even worse, it still far to the point of reborn, but the regeneration of the month for him, is great progress!

But this is clearly still far from Qin unparalleled psychological expectations, at best, only a small step out of it. To his current repair, in this new world, only the underlying strength of nothing more.

Is the equivalent force of up to six or seven segments throughout the strength of arms to meet the child test is more than enough weapons, but once to deal with large scenes, such as the "family of products", are still far from enough.

Peak force of arms from the territory of nine sections, there is still a way to go. Not to mention "the ultimate force, interior strength from the students" real military environment stage.

Look at the sky, sun just rising. Ahead in the view down the mountain, trail gradually with pedestrians.

Qin unparalleled self-deprecating smile, and said to himself: "Anyway, now back to the Wu-tung Institute, in the face of provocation that Wu-tung, tied hand and foot is very unlikely it, at least you can calmly deal with the not? "

Wu Xing past life skill Babel, the world if provoked several small Xiao Wu Tong, can not fight back, naturally depressing thing.

He went to military children in this hospital, does not take away is purely directed at revenge. But if the opportunity of revenge, he will not be missed. Learned a little kid actor of course interesting, but do not report any grudges against them, but not his past life style. Qin unparalleled farmhouse occupied to when the reward, they have to give points that are not?

... ...

News Qin Warriors is not dead, after a lapse of one month after the hospital to return to military children, this child in the military hospital caused a profound emotion. We all feel that this life of Qin unparalleled large, comparable to cockroaches.

When Qin Warriors once again into the arms of child hospital door, the entire military children to a military hospital thousands of children, most of all the dead came to his small strong crowd.

Clearly, these children also do not know much force, clearly has announced the death of Qin Warriors, Why alive?

Now that you have saved his life, and not go back to East Town to hide, and went to the Wu-tung hospital for? Does it mean that children do not know the military hospital again at any time may also lose his life?

We are curious, back again this unparalleled Wu Qin Tong School, in the end, what kind of plans?

Two Warriors of Qin Shi man, of course, worthwhile to talk to explain what these kid actor. Smiling all the way to enjoy the pleasure of being spectators, waltz back to the original living quarters.

Wu Tong Wu Tong boarding homes each are a separate living room. Although only a small room, but they were full for the Wu-tung keep a personal space. This is also the practice for the military to create a good environment for children.

As to why the hospital back to Wu-tung? Qin unparalleled heart loud and clear, own a small abacus.

Qin Warriors not take hot ass back to the dormitory, was knocking on dormitory doors.

The residue from the previous memory, Qin Warriors know this person Jiaohu Zi Yan. Is also a force from the East Town children.

"Warriors, how do you back?" Hu Zi Yan straight to the point, not without anxiously asked.

"Emergency?" Hu Zi Qin Warriors made a glance, a touch question.

Zi-Qin Hu unparalleled words and close friends of East Town's Association, has went fairly close, since the Qin Warriors after the accident, this is their first meeting.

"Go said, can you?" Wu Zi Yan pointed quarters.

They entered the dormitory, Qin Warriors jump into bed sitting cross-legged, do not ask Hu Zi Yan had come.

Zi Yan Hu carefully shut the door and whispered: "Warriors, how can you not return to East Town? You do not know that they are deliberately Zhang Xian whole you?"

"Know." Qin Warriors difficult to talk to should be the one.

"I know you here? Zhang Xian this time I see you have been looking for trouble, you may have to be careful. As I said, you still return to the East Town it." Wu Zi Yan rubbing his hands, his eyes earnest and anxious, This concern is heartfelt.

"You tell me this, they're calling you afraid of?" Qin Warriors interesting hint of a smile rarely surfaced.

"I have nothing worthy of their chief desire. Say We were brought together in the East Linzhen Chang, and I'm not capable to help you, do not want to look at other people bully you. Warriors, listen to me, back to the East Town it!"

Wu Zi Yan very seriously, watching the Qin Warriors, so he answered.

"Zi words, do not take this route back all right. I do my primary address; you do not want to get into trouble, do not involve them to the right and wrong, no good to you."

Not very nice words Qin Warriors, but also the truth.

"Unique and your cattle temper again! Not confused, leave as soon as possible ... ..."

Wu Zi Yan suddenly paused, because he found the Qin Warriors are in a severe eye staring at him.

"That said, this go."

Opened the door, made directly to the Hu-tzu pushed out, slamming the door look.

Zi Yan Hu a full stupidly at the door for a few minutes, this is the Association of Friends of Qin Warriors it? So how inhuman it?

Qin Warriors mouth gently squirm a bit, and my heart is somewhat helpless. He does not understand the score, does not mean to do evil person, a practice he did not want to be disturbed, and second, because the environment is dangerous, Zhang Xian may at any time that group of people finding fault, he did not want to implicate the innocent.

Zi Yan Hu is indeed the well-intentioned, he knew. May be more well-intentioned, at present, the more trouble.

Zi Yan Hu still stay in the military hospital three or four children, and if it offended because the children of those dignitaries, will certainly end up miserable.

Qin Warriors is different, he returned to the Wu-tung hospital, simply take the initiative to integrate into the world, in order to grasp the current situation as much as possible, by the way waiting for some opportunities to do some things it intends to complete.

In other words, he can always leave Cleveland's.

But, let Qin Warriors did not expect that, ZHANG Xian-gang, this time how such a tolerant about?

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