Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Provocation and counter

Qin Hill efforts to restrain anger, Chen Sheng said: "Your holy Gou, listening to your breath, is it that after four years I Qin, it is doomed to failure no doubt of it?"

Gou San lean on a chair, slowly authentic: "The whole Luo River County, which two decades, emitting a lot of new power, I qualified to compete for a position of a poor family, so Seven or eight at least. But let the Luo River County, large and small aristocratic seats together, has just more than thirty. this noble seat Well, really small, really, those who struggle more. Take your East Town treasurer for cattle herbal shop, to his current forces and connections, Hill brothers think you are that poor family of the seats, can they secure? You Qin is now what a poor family, and I believe Gou Qin patriarch someone in your heart better than you? "

Although the rage Qin Hill, but it is fighting back, quietly to the hands of the cup down.

"This 'family of products', how to say on behalf of my ancestral Qin Jiazu also experienced a twenty sessions. To be eligible to show off, then have my home when Qin, Luo River County now these powerful family, yet few do. seen a lot of storms can be considered. That appraisal of the work products, presided over by the Holy Zhenwu, all responsible persons are appointed by His Majesty the Emperor himself. Who's wide network of contacts, finger length, can go out into the Holy Land Zhenwu it? "

Qin Hill's answer, neither overbearing nor servile. Although he struggled to understand the family, but he has a good strong, how could ignorance once again in front of outsiders?

Gou San hollow laugh or two, looked curiously staring at the Qin Hill. This look and even some defiance, and a barely veiled way to engage the oppressed, and even the title has changed.

"Hill brother, I am not you. You Qin indeed some traditional, but it is something written on the calendar Huang. You do not do not know what 'turned upside down', right? This year, council officials are justice, not the whole matter of personal morality? you really think that His Majesty the Emperor will be bored to care about this little county of a product work? say, this is the survival of the fittest in this troubled world. Who's wrist strength, who is full of energy, who to power, to contribute more for the country, which is a natural law! Who cares what means you use? tradition, we Baiyue country is not worth the yo ... ... "

Qin Hill and then to himself, and heard this is excitedly color, can not help but stormed into the sky: "Gou San you, it seems you do not want to give my finger Qin Ming Road, but rather to the Qin family off my posterior, right?

"Excitement!" Gou San also rude, stood up, tit for tat road, "Hill boy, I am afraid I may say so. The next term of the 'family of products', you must be off the goods Qin, and this poor family seat anyway to get it out. I believe you know better than I the situation of Qin. Once off the goods, losing this seat, all you Qin, will all become clouds. I think when you do not want to end up empty-handed and destitute situation, right? "

"Hmmm ... ..." That is tantamount to the spot on her face, Qin Hill more than sneer, retorted Road, "sounds, or care about you, Mr. St. Gou Qin one I was? Fear is not so kind, right? Something to be people say, it may say so, do not hold back bad belly. "

Gou San brazenly laughed, Qin Hill more angry, more proud of him.

"That was the previous sentence, Qin took the initiative to make a noble seat, wealthy Qin Hui will ensure you a feast, otherwise, four years later, is that you are a bereaved Qin day." Gou San frank enough, then laughed maliciously full complement of the sentence, "Of course, you can hang on until the Qin one four years later, it is still a unknown."

Qin Xu universal Hill glanced at a glance, but Jian Ciren relaxed composure, did not even be looked down on his reaction to the Qin Hill.

Homer Hsu, Luo River County is one of the three giants, the forces of the strong, does not he Qin a comparable. One said, That the whole world, I'm afraid one man can do his Tu Qin full door.

This breath, may be able to be tolerant; can not bear, they have to fight back!


Hill caught a first-hand fragments of Qin, his chair, arm was immediately broken over and over, Lengran said: "You Gou St., Xu universal lord, I decline the Qin forces a pulse, but were not exploited to either person. Qin seat of a nobleman's hard-won pulse, Qinmou not allow it to ruin my Shoudi Xia. want to come and collect it, regardless of extortion and I took Qinmou Yili is the man! "

His words, Gou St. abnormalities immediately looking ugly.

Xu universal expression has been clear cloud, but also instantly turn cold, direct over the eyes of a beholder. Qin looked up and down the Hill.

"Qin patriarch, it seems, you are better to die, not for guns, the right?"

Wu Xing surprisingly moving, he was not without feelings, but would like to see, in this instance, how could his father play.

Qin Hill arrogance attack, speak with him regardless of the Hui from the lords of the wealthy, white head over the pages, proudly: "I have made Zuxun Qin, Qin clan seeking middle class I, five times the force of the blow; those who seek the status of my Qin, ten times the power of the attack of; want to die I Qin a person, to hit it, crash and burn the expense! "

Sonorous and forceful response, suddenly the attitude of the Qin Hill that very clear.

"Sleeves children, see a visitor for the father!"

Gou San angry a purple skinned, it suddenly burst into a sinister smile.

"Well you Qin Hill! It seems that you do not eat toast, eat Monastic it! Good good, when you have families to come down the street, I come Gou someone spit in your face. You blame me adding insult to injury."

Wu Xing heard here, can not help but laugh together, leisurely asked: "Listen to someone that you Gou tone, it seems that you are not here today, adding insult to injury it? Dog left you, advise you an annoyance because the strong early, you run this blatantly to my house to pay lip Qin, shaking power and prestige, that is nothing more than white Gouzhangrenshi, where available wary of coming out of the sap, and even beat the dog with the owner of a piece, that can greatly not good na. "

Gou San stuck speechless, for a long time before furious and said: "Qin Hill, you son echoed each other, fully understand 识时务者为俊杰, sooner or later will regret it!"

Jin Wu Xing difficult to see the opening, smiling Coushang to said: "Qin Warriors, since not affect your injury, have to go back to hospital to report ah Wu-tung. Your School enrollment still Wu-tung, even if I drop out, he will have to do some procedures . Moreover, Baiyue country aristocracy, which did not force children into the hospital for further studies. you stay at home, is not the answer. "

Qin Warriors for the sake of sound, but the Wu Xing how ill he would not see? But not to expose, to be the one, smiling: "School children naturally have to return to arms, there are workers to remind the president of adults."

"Ah, ah, that good! No matter how the situation changes, to you at this stage, everything in their studies as the most important thing." Gold is not easy sinuous smile, walked out.

"Before the road is long, unpredictable fortune. Students not sent, the President also requested all the way adults look out na. Wrong step on a step, it is likely that abyss."

Looks good words, in fact it implies Wu Xing warnings and threats. Only at this stage, no one can interpret the tone of Wu Xing The implication, they did not even survived a heart small Xiao Wu Tong.

After three bad customers away, Qin Hill solemn tone asked: "Warriors, are you going back to the Wu-tung hospital?"

"Why not?"

Wu Xing leave off looking at the back of the three evil, deep and interesting road.

"Gold is not easy is famous hypocrite Luo River County, he invites you to force children to return to hospital, will not be ill-wishers." Qin Hill reminded to.

"The three men from both together, what what kind? It is not directed at the ill-wishers, I force the child back to hospital to see, this is a question of attitude."

Wu Xing logic is simple, want to know how bad the situation in the end, have to go and experience, nothing ventured, nothing gained?

Qin Hill watching his son, trance feel after the sinking, the son of the person's temperament seems to have changed. Especially the eyes, is not as evasive, not a bit shy and cowardly, the extra is a calm, confident.

Especially just off the three evil bullying to the extreme character of his son, forbear the last to escape from the opening, to say the least, the light on this conservation effort, has been better than past times.

"Father, I think back to the duel, there is a conspiracy. This is more than just a conspiracy against me personally, but our seats in the Qin and the huge family inheritance a poor family!"

Qin Hill face with distinction, volatile. The course he does not know, this is his son back to East Town to the reason. Son, after all, incense in, incense in the hope.

What happened to his son again once, Qin a full account of even ... ...

"Warriors, since you can analyze this reason, military children also planning to return to homes that it?" Qin Hill would like to know how his son in the end is considered.

"Father, that Gou San ordinary acid health, inferior character, he did dare to my Qin Jia Zhuang swagger, of course, is Gouzhangrenshi, dastardly. May be another angle to, not also think that we Qin Jia Zhuang is sick cats, are they could not send Viagra, to fear it? "

Qin Hill sense of loss, alas, he knew his son have not made myself worse. If the change for a hundred years ago, the Qin family flourishing population, or when wealthy, Luo Jiang county, there are few people dare to talk in the Qin Jia Zhuang? Not to mention the threat of such a blatant door.

"Father, these days I would also like a lot. Qin one to thrive, all you my hand. That in a fight, I lost the battle is lost, it may not do a bad thing. Suowei survived, will After the blessing there. If I have not withstand even this storm, the difficulties encountered point to Duohui Qin Jia Zhuang, dare not see people in the future to talk about the family on his shoulders forward? "

Words to the point, touched the root of the Qin Hill a stronger nerves. I can look at the son survived, the whole body filled with an up and down excitedly in life, whether eyes or gestures, high spirits, and forward the character of law-abiding, qualitatively different.

Faintly, and he seemed to see in the son of a big rise from the ashes of Nirvana.

Hill Hu Mu Qin Yi Deng, and finally nodded his head: "Well son, there is ambition. His father promised to you!"

Then changed the subject, explain dignified tone: "But you have to promise his father, returned to Lo Wu Tong Jiang county hospital, need to have bite the bullet, not again fall into the trap of others."

Wu Xing pride Dousheng, mouth fretting, with an air of arrogance, proudly said: "Father, please rest assured that I am surviving, has to know what something is, do certain things."

Something, do certain things?

Hill Hu Mu Qin eyes opened, and look to the son's eyes, and there are a sort of reflection means.

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