Wednesday, March 16, 2011

twins wu soul two

Tang, the old Jack away, and he lost heart a bit too much, after all, prime Yuntao said ring may be related to the soul of his breakthrough Xuan Tian Gong problem. But he did not show it, he believed, the opportunity is still there.

Slowly back to the smithy, Tang Hao surprisingly did not return to the room to sleep, but sitting in a chair eyes closed.

"Dad, you sleep a while back to the room, and I went for lunch."

Tang Hao is still closed eyes, faint: "Do not you also feel very disappointed. Also want to become the soul of the division it?"

Tang Somewhat taken aback, "Never mind, father, a blacksmith is also very good ah, the same can feed us. Did not you promise me to teach me to create tools for it?"

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes, from his eyes, Tang saw the excitement, we knew it, Tang Hao's right fist is clenched, has emerged showing a trace of old face on a very cold atmosphere, "the soul Normal? soul division what is the use? mention just a waste Wuhun, even the most powerful Wuhun, the most powerful soul, what else can teachers use? but still waste nothing more. "

Tang Hao's mood is very excited, his body trembling, vaguely between the Tang saw his father in the eyes a little crystal things.

Ran Tang Hao Tang holding the fist, "Dad, you do not get angry, I do not do the soul of the division it is. I have been with you, give you a cook."

Take a deep breath, Tang Hao excitement comes and go too fast, light: "The release of your Wuhun I see."

"Good." Tang three nodded, raised his right hand, quietly pushed the body Xuan Tian Gong, the consciousness of a special kind of feeling the heat as a fusion with the Xuan Tian Gong, a touch of blue light appeared in his palm into the instant room, a sparkling blue-grass have emerged.

Stared looking at the hands of the Blue Tang, silver grass, while Tang Hao absence, a long time to recover only gradually, in the eyes light throughput uncertainty, murmured, whispered: "Blue silver grass, silver grass really is blue. And she's the same. "

Suddenly, Tang Hao Meng stood up, turned and walked toward the back room, a sudden movement almost made him fall in front of the Tang, in the hands of their own blue and silver grass Wuhun also disappeared.


Tang Hao impatient wave of his hand, "Stop fighting me." Said to have opened the curtain into the back room.

"But, I have a Wuhun." Tang was awakened out of their own today Wuhun different. This is he did not ask the prime Yuntao and Jack out of the question, after all, only those who are just outsiders.

... ...

【Recorded Master Po Hsuan Tien Tang Men, the first: Never let people know not fully trust the strength of how much you truly. 】

... ...

Tang Xuan Tian Bao recorded well known to, for it is absolutely adhere to the Master.

Shoved aside the curtain, Tang Hao in the outside again, this time, but has done his face was shocked look, you can see, his eyes red, just seems to be in tears.

Tang did not speak, but raised his right hand as before it, slowly raised his left hand, this time, no longer blue, a touch of black light poured forth from his palm into, Guanghua instant cohesion, a Strange things appear in his palm into.

It is edged black quintana hammer, hammer handle about half a foot long hammer is the cylinder, looks like a miniature casting hammer, however, that the surface of black hammer, but it has an exceptional light, cylindrical hammer, the drive around the circle of light patterns.

Do not know why, when Zhebing hammer in the hands of Tang, the entire room air is a bit depressing, and Tang can not seem to bear the weight of tools and try to hammer in general, can only hold his arm slowly drooping. His face had become somewhat pale.

And almost no power consumption of the blue-silver grass Tien different Zhebing small black hammer appeared to absorb almost all of the internal forces of Tang. He could barely control his own grip hammer handle. Although it looks, Zhebing small hammer, but in fact, far more than its weight has to cast hammer.

"This, this is ... ..." is almost a stride Tang Hao Tang came to three before he grabbed the hand holding the hammer, to his own face, Tang Hao's hand is very strong, at least for now no longer feel Tang hammer on his arm was as big a load.

When Tang Hao's hand holding his hand, a warm flesh and blood feel comfortable that Tang hearts of its duties, "Dad, what does not it?"

Looking at the small black hammer, before disappearing once again in light of the excitement of Tang Hao eyes, "twin Wuhun. Wuhun turned out to be twins. Son, my son."

Suddenly, a powerful open arms Tang Hao, Tang will be poured into his tight embrace.

Tang Hao's chest is very broad, perhaps because of the long-term reasons to do blacksmith, although the surface he looks lazy, but his muscular body is not reduced because of age, and his warm embrace. Father brought a sense of security that nothing else can not be replaced.

"Dad." Shocked some of Tang, in his memory, this seems to be the first such Tang Hao hug him.

The hands of a small hammer as if to become more and more heavy, even though Tang was like the father to bring the warmth, but he do not want to get rid of the hammer hit his father.

"Daddy, I want to not hold on." Tang said, could not resist.

Tang Haosong open arms, "take it back."

Wu Guang dispersed, the weight is gone, Tang heart is very strange, it is obviously a mixture of his own body Xuan Tian Gong special forces to form an hammer, why not carry it himself? Even more surprising is that he calls out over the little hammer, the consumption of their own internal forces even seventy-seven

twins wu soul

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