Wednesday, March 30, 2011

so simple

At this point the way looks very strange, even a small dance legs wrap around the neck of the Tang, Tang shoulders with the top of the situation before, upper back, palms stays on the ground, like a soft legs is a spring general, even to live Tang then twist the neck fell out of his back.

Fortunately, the small dance young, this time wearing pants, skirt, if replaced, then I am afraid ... ...

Tang and girls have never played against the experience of the first leg when the little dance around his neck, he could make some response, but his legs are lifted, a small dance trousers fall somewhat naturally, paste Tang has no neck, leg cover, the white girl leg came a unique creamy skin, a sudden mood swings that Tang moment, the reaction half a beat slow naturally.

When the small dance floor while raising your hands, legs at the same time when hair force, think of Tang Ying Kang has also been late. After all, the man's neck is fragile, he was just a child. Once the skill with Ying Kang, neck is very vulnerable to injuries. Shall not be under, he can only let a small dance fell out of his body.

Tang found that a small dance legs forced to hand stays way, all of the strength of her most effective play, even the kind of father to teach his leg force, waving a way somewhat similar fist.

His back to the ground, the power of a small dance is not large, there Xuan Tian Tang Gong body care, natural is not injured.

Fell out of Tang, the small dance standing on the ground have been smart, turned faint smile at him.

Stand getting up, not Sheng-Tang, lost is lost, the effect is not a reason. He knew in his own little dance to go when thrown, have mercy. Otherwise, she wrapped around his neck legs not just throw people are so simple.

This technique was first met Tang in his impression that he used martial arts in the world, it seems that there is no similar way. However, this technique is also very dangerous, if your reaction time faster, so close contact with the body attack to a small dance does not seem difficult.

"I lost, can you tell me what you just use the skills?" Tang, reddish face. Thinking to myself, own seven homes when the boss is probably the shortest person.

Small dance smiling: "I called it soft skills. Use physical skills to launch a soft and tough."

At this point, the match previous quarters students are a stunned look, especially Wang Sheng, Tang defeat him before he has made some incredible feeling, but this time Tang was just this beautiful little girl winning hit He had stared. Thinking to myself, this year of how time workers are so powerful?

Tang three pairs of the location of the hostel boss for no idea, said: "in accordance with the dormitory rules, you win me, since you are Dormitory parents, that is, the boss of our group."

Eyes showed a trace of a small dance surprise, surprise, not much delight Dasheng, "the boss? Seems a lot of fun, good. Then I am your boss. And when the time workers seems good citizenship."

Tang chose a small dance next to a bed, to back off from his bow and uniforms together.

"That, you who tell me something about the situation we college?" Little dance asked, looking at the crowd fell silent.

At this time these students only gradually over the reaction from the shock, the small dance just about fell out of Tang was extremely neat, so that their hearts are in something of fear.

Wang Sheng, or stand out.

"We, in fact time workers responsible for cleaning the Institute, the specific work is dedicated to our teacher arranged. Institute a total of six grades, each age of a class. Tang boss you're new here, should be a grade students. the rest of us are, at least the third year, I am promoted to sixth grade. Institute of classes every morning, afternoon, self cultivation. am generally two classes, one is cultural knowledge, a force is about soul. We in the majority of time students have some work in the afternoon. to gain a little income as meals. "

Sheng-a brief introduction to other students about these work-study students, the best is the innate Wuhun Wang Sheng, and not only animal Wuhun, or fighting a strong king of beasts, and his soul has nine power , up another level to participate in the graduation hunted animal soul, the soul in order to gain the title of ring enhancing.

After listening to the words of Wang Sheng, a small dance looked Tang one, said: "Tang, how much of your soul power level? Just now I feel your strength seems very strong."

Tang did not hide, after all, he that is on the surface of waste wood Wuhun blue silver grass, "I am full of spirit inherent power. Therefore, a stronger force."

"Inherent power over the soul?" Students suddenly exclaimed aloud.

Sheng-heart finally balanced, and Tang, soul force stronger than themselves, overcome their own it should be. In the ring, we are not under the premise of the soul, the soul force to play a decisive role. No wonder his power than their large. Sheng-heart confidence, thinking to myself, is fighting his own Wuhun tiger, until his soul, and Tang also received into the soul of Central division title, he was blue and silver grass is certainly not their war tiger opponent.

Small dance blinked his eyes, murmured, reading about what a sentence.

Just then, a teacher in his thirties came in from the outside, "a new time workers it? Come out again."

Tang and the small dance at the same time stood up from his bed.

The teacher looks ordinary, light green hair, the hands holding a quilt, "which is the Tang?"

Tang quickly stood out.

Teacher said: "I'm black mark on the ink you can call me teacher, Tang, which is the master bedding for you."

Tang took the bedding, although the quilt is not gorgeous, but an atmosphere of dry nostrils, actually are new. There is also a pillow. Master clearly thought his bases.

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