Thursday, March 31, 2011

one direction for development

Master work out a bundle from his arms and handed Tang, "eat of it. It is a long body, when food was not bad."
Tang Somewhat taken aback, and paper, I saw two legs and placed inside a steamed bun. Itself is still warm.

"The teacher ... ..."

"Line, and quickly eat, eats dinner, then I have to say to you. Young time can not be delayed." Masters face calm and serious, faint.

Itself is not easy to eat coarse bread, Tang has a good appetite, and soon put the master to bring down his food down.

Master Daolebeishui to him that he went and sat down upon the desk.

"You're six years old this year, innate soul full of power, twin Wuhun. Wuhun you another release, let me see."

Tang three nodded, his twin master Wuhun already know, there is nothing to hide out. Lifted his left hand, black light raging out tools and try again condensed into small hammer.

Because in that period of time between the Institute to exercise the power of the body, he had no small progress, now barely able to hold a hammer does not feel too great a load.

See Tang in the hands of a hammer, the master stood up and shoved his seat, his eyes showed very excited eyes. Tightly and stared hammer, murmured: "The Tang, Tang, Tang name, ... ..., well, you come away Wuhun. Do not be easily exposed in front of others. Without my permission the future never to give this Wuhun ring attached to the soul. this is something you should keep in mind. "

Tang looked surprised some teachers, "my father told me the same way. Why can not the soul attached to this Wuhun ring?"

Master of light gradually fade excited eyes, "what does your father do?"

Tang said: "is the village blacksmith."

"Blacksmith?" Master eye quirky, sighed and shook his head, "blacksmith, hammer, but added a perfect match."

"Now is not the time to tell you, you only need to remember, and now will not let you use this and give him an additional soul Wuhun ring, only to your future plans. You must keep in mind."

The father says, the teacher also has said that three pairs of master trust Tang added a bit, "I will."

Master said: "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, the day after tomorrow will begin a formal class. However, this is for you, just delays it. The imperative now is to make your Wuhun can continue to practice. The morning after I receive you as a disciple careful thought, you should talk tomorrow morning I left college, I'll take you to find a suitable soul ring, so that you advanced to the division level of the soul. "

Tang heard rejoicing, only after he received the soul of Central Tien to confirm their success is not because the soul of Central and by the constraints, Masters, and his approach is intended to, quickly straightforward promised soon.

Master continued: "College Here I'll help you explain, you need not worry. Back and forth on the road I will teach you the knowledge Wuhun. Tang, blue and silver grass for your Wuhun, What do you think?"

Tang said: "Everyone said it was waste Wuhun, but I think everything has a certain role, but also has its own characteristics, even if it is the most common as it should be blue and silver grass."

Master nodded with satisfaction, said: "Yes, each has its own characteristics Wuhun, my research among low Wuhun accounted for a large proportion, I have been advocating, there is no waste Wuhun, only waste man. tomorrow will take you to find the soul part, then, you now need to decide the direction of development Wuhun. "

Tang surprised a moment, "Wuhun direction of development? Teacher, what does this mean?"

Master said: "This is from the classification itself Wuhun. On the whole distinction between Wuhun only two categories, animals and the control Wuhun Wuhun. Plant Wuhun Wuhun also included in the device into, like you devices are considered the two Wuhun Wuhun. Wuhun and animal control Wuhun biggest difference is that manifestations. "

"Beast Wuhun in use, is attached to the power of the beast itself, that is, possessed effect. With the combination of human and animal Wuhun to enhance its strength, to the soul of one person to launch attacks. And control arms the soul is completely different, all the devices are isolated Wuhun role. Therefore, the auxiliary device will more than Wuhun Wuhun beast. cite a simple example, if your usual foods we Wuhun the sword of the rice, then you can Wuhun as food. and because it is formed by the soul force, the effect will be better than ordinary rice. "

Tang surprise: "The Wuhun can also eat it?"

Master affirmative nod: "The device type of food is to eat Wuhun. Therefore, a high level of food control systems division has always been the soul of the army's most hungry people. A more than thirty soul of the division of food provided by the Department of devices hundreds of soldiers eating enough food. significantly reduce the consumption of military resources. "

Tang, blankly: "I still do not understand."

Master patient said: "The reason is very simple. Food for any creature, it is the energy supplement. But also the energy of the soul force. When the soul itself can change into a force to be absorbed energy, So, it is for us to real food and there is no difference. The same is the energy needed by the body. "

Tang three Sidongfeidong a bit, but probably still understand the meaning, "that is, devices used to support Wuhun mostly, right."

Master said: "Those who are no absolutes, and some devices Wuhun can become the owner of the same division fighting spirit. For example, if your device Wuhun a sword, can be used as a weapon to use, then you can become a war spirit division, said the artifacts like the outside, in fact, the war spirit Wuhun devices division Wuhun his own practice to the peak, to be known as the artifact. Although there are devices division and fighting spirit of the distinction between soul division, but both of There are some similarities between the Department. Each division has the soul of the direction of development, such as food systems, surveillance systems, combat system, treatment system, control system and so on. Now, for the soul in the ring, you must first decide Wuhun their future direction, the soul Wuhun practice division must be in one direction for development. "

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