Thursday, March 31, 2011

one direction for development

Master work out a bundle from his arms and handed Tang, "eat of it. It is a long body, when food was not bad."
Tang Somewhat taken aback, and paper, I saw two legs and placed inside a steamed bun. Itself is still warm.

"The teacher ... ..."

"Line, and quickly eat, eats dinner, then I have to say to you. Young time can not be delayed." Masters face calm and serious, faint.

Itself is not easy to eat coarse bread, Tang has a good appetite, and soon put the master to bring down his food down.

Master Daolebeishui to him that he went and sat down upon the desk.

"You're six years old this year, innate soul full of power, twin Wuhun. Wuhun you another release, let me see."

Tang three nodded, his twin master Wuhun already know, there is nothing to hide out. Lifted his left hand, black light raging out tools and try again condensed into small hammer.

Because in that period of time between the Institute to exercise the power of the body, he had no small progress, now barely able to hold a hammer does not feel too great a load.

See Tang in the hands of a hammer, the master stood up and shoved his seat, his eyes showed very excited eyes. Tightly and stared hammer, murmured: "The Tang, Tang, Tang name, ... ..., well, you come away Wuhun. Do not be easily exposed in front of others. Without my permission the future never to give this Wuhun ring attached to the soul. this is something you should keep in mind. "

Tang looked surprised some teachers, "my father told me the same way. Why can not the soul attached to this Wuhun ring?"

Master of light gradually fade excited eyes, "what does your father do?"

Tang said: "is the village blacksmith."

"Blacksmith?" Master eye quirky, sighed and shook his head, "blacksmith, hammer, but added a perfect match."

"Now is not the time to tell you, you only need to remember, and now will not let you use this and give him an additional soul Wuhun ring, only to your future plans. You must keep in mind."

The father says, the teacher also has said that three pairs of master trust Tang added a bit, "I will."

Master said: "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, the day after tomorrow will begin a formal class. However, this is for you, just delays it. The imperative now is to make your Wuhun can continue to practice. The morning after I receive you as a disciple careful thought, you should talk tomorrow morning I left college, I'll take you to find a suitable soul ring, so that you advanced to the division level of the soul. "

Tang heard rejoicing, only after he received the soul of Central Tien to confirm their success is not because the soul of Central and by the constraints, Masters, and his approach is intended to, quickly straightforward promised soon.

Master continued: "College Here I'll help you explain, you need not worry. Back and forth on the road I will teach you the knowledge Wuhun. Tang, blue and silver grass for your Wuhun, What do you think?"

Tang said: "Everyone said it was waste Wuhun, but I think everything has a certain role, but also has its own characteristics, even if it is the most common as it should be blue and silver grass."

Master nodded with satisfaction, said: "Yes, each has its own characteristics Wuhun, my research among low Wuhun accounted for a large proportion, I have been advocating, there is no waste Wuhun, only waste man. tomorrow will take you to find the soul part, then, you now need to decide the direction of development Wuhun. "

Tang surprised a moment, "Wuhun direction of development? Teacher, what does this mean?"

Master said: "This is from the classification itself Wuhun. On the whole distinction between Wuhun only two categories, animals and the control Wuhun Wuhun. Plant Wuhun Wuhun also included in the device into, like you devices are considered the two Wuhun Wuhun. Wuhun and animal control Wuhun biggest difference is that manifestations. "

"Beast Wuhun in use, is attached to the power of the beast itself, that is, possessed effect. With the combination of human and animal Wuhun to enhance its strength, to the soul of one person to launch attacks. And control arms the soul is completely different, all the devices are isolated Wuhun role. Therefore, the auxiliary device will more than Wuhun Wuhun beast. cite a simple example, if your usual foods we Wuhun the sword of the rice, then you can Wuhun as food. and because it is formed by the soul force, the effect will be better than ordinary rice. "

Tang surprise: "The Wuhun can also eat it?"

Master affirmative nod: "The device type of food is to eat Wuhun. Therefore, a high level of food control systems division has always been the soul of the army's most hungry people. A more than thirty soul of the division of food provided by the Department of devices hundreds of soldiers eating enough food. significantly reduce the consumption of military resources. "

Tang, blankly: "I still do not understand."

Master patient said: "The reason is very simple. Food for any creature, it is the energy supplement. But also the energy of the soul force. When the soul itself can change into a force to be absorbed energy, So, it is for us to real food and there is no difference. The same is the energy needed by the body. "

Tang three Sidongfeidong a bit, but probably still understand the meaning, "that is, devices used to support Wuhun mostly, right."

Master said: "Those who are no absolutes, and some devices Wuhun can become the owner of the same division fighting spirit. For example, if your device Wuhun a sword, can be used as a weapon to use, then you can become a war spirit division, said the artifacts like the outside, in fact, the war spirit Wuhun devices division Wuhun his own practice to the peak, to be known as the artifact. Although there are devices division and fighting spirit of the distinction between soul division, but both of There are some similarities between the Department. Each division has the soul of the direction of development, such as food systems, surveillance systems, combat system, treatment system, control system and so on. Now, for the soul in the ring, you must first decide Wuhun their future direction, the soul Wuhun practice division must be in one direction for development. "

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

so simple

At this point the way looks very strange, even a small dance legs wrap around the neck of the Tang, Tang shoulders with the top of the situation before, upper back, palms stays on the ground, like a soft legs is a spring general, even to live Tang then twist the neck fell out of his back.

Fortunately, the small dance young, this time wearing pants, skirt, if replaced, then I am afraid ... ...

Tang and girls have never played against the experience of the first leg when the little dance around his neck, he could make some response, but his legs are lifted, a small dance trousers fall somewhat naturally, paste Tang has no neck, leg cover, the white girl leg came a unique creamy skin, a sudden mood swings that Tang moment, the reaction half a beat slow naturally.

When the small dance floor while raising your hands, legs at the same time when hair force, think of Tang Ying Kang has also been late. After all, the man's neck is fragile, he was just a child. Once the skill with Ying Kang, neck is very vulnerable to injuries. Shall not be under, he can only let a small dance fell out of his body.

Tang found that a small dance legs forced to hand stays way, all of the strength of her most effective play, even the kind of father to teach his leg force, waving a way somewhat similar fist.

His back to the ground, the power of a small dance is not large, there Xuan Tian Tang Gong body care, natural is not injured.

Fell out of Tang, the small dance standing on the ground have been smart, turned faint smile at him.

Stand getting up, not Sheng-Tang, lost is lost, the effect is not a reason. He knew in his own little dance to go when thrown, have mercy. Otherwise, she wrapped around his neck legs not just throw people are so simple.

This technique was first met Tang in his impression that he used martial arts in the world, it seems that there is no similar way. However, this technique is also very dangerous, if your reaction time faster, so close contact with the body attack to a small dance does not seem difficult.

"I lost, can you tell me what you just use the skills?" Tang, reddish face. Thinking to myself, own seven homes when the boss is probably the shortest person.

Small dance smiling: "I called it soft skills. Use physical skills to launch a soft and tough."

At this point, the match previous quarters students are a stunned look, especially Wang Sheng, Tang defeat him before he has made some incredible feeling, but this time Tang was just this beautiful little girl winning hit He had stared. Thinking to myself, this year of how time workers are so powerful?

Tang three pairs of the location of the hostel boss for no idea, said: "in accordance with the dormitory rules, you win me, since you are Dormitory parents, that is, the boss of our group."

Eyes showed a trace of a small dance surprise, surprise, not much delight Dasheng, "the boss? Seems a lot of fun, good. Then I am your boss. And when the time workers seems good citizenship."

Tang chose a small dance next to a bed, to back off from his bow and uniforms together.

"That, you who tell me something about the situation we college?" Little dance asked, looking at the crowd fell silent.

At this time these students only gradually over the reaction from the shock, the small dance just about fell out of Tang was extremely neat, so that their hearts are in something of fear.

Wang Sheng, or stand out.

"We, in fact time workers responsible for cleaning the Institute, the specific work is dedicated to our teacher arranged. Institute a total of six grades, each age of a class. Tang boss you're new here, should be a grade students. the rest of us are, at least the third year, I am promoted to sixth grade. Institute of classes every morning, afternoon, self cultivation. am generally two classes, one is cultural knowledge, a force is about soul. We in the majority of time students have some work in the afternoon. to gain a little income as meals. "

Sheng-a brief introduction to other students about these work-study students, the best is the innate Wuhun Wang Sheng, and not only animal Wuhun, or fighting a strong king of beasts, and his soul has nine power , up another level to participate in the graduation hunted animal soul, the soul in order to gain the title of ring enhancing.

After listening to the words of Wang Sheng, a small dance looked Tang one, said: "Tang, how much of your soul power level? Just now I feel your strength seems very strong."

Tang did not hide, after all, he that is on the surface of waste wood Wuhun blue silver grass, "I am full of spirit inherent power. Therefore, a stronger force."

"Inherent power over the soul?" Students suddenly exclaimed aloud.

Sheng-heart finally balanced, and Tang, soul force stronger than themselves, overcome their own it should be. In the ring, we are not under the premise of the soul, the soul force to play a decisive role. No wonder his power than their large. Sheng-heart confidence, thinking to myself, is fighting his own Wuhun tiger, until his soul, and Tang also received into the soul of Central division title, he was blue and silver grass is certainly not their war tiger opponent.

Small dance blinked his eyes, murmured, reading about what a sentence.

Just then, a teacher in his thirties came in from the outside, "a new time workers it? Come out again."

Tang and the small dance at the same time stood up from his bed.

The teacher looks ordinary, light green hair, the hands holding a quilt, "which is the Tang?"

Tang quickly stood out.

Teacher said: "I'm black mark on the ink you can call me teacher, Tang, which is the master bedding for you."

Tang took the bedding, although the quilt is not gorgeous, but an atmosphere of dry nostrils, actually are new. There is also a pillow. Master clearly thought his bases.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I came to learn

Wang Sheng, a student opened the bed, but also rude, in the Tang and sat down next to, "Tang, you beat me, since you are the boss we had seven homes."
Tang quickly waved, said: "I came to learn."

Sheng-Stern said: "This is the rule and who hard fist, and who is the boss. Do you think the boss is good when it? I'm not with you humble. You." He spoke, he opened his own two school uniforms sleeve.

Tang surprised to see that his hands in his arm, even a full seven or eight black and blue bruises.

Sheng-smile: "This is College, arrived yesterday, get the, we, the work-study students are born in a poor family, the other quarters of the students are often people who bully us seven homes as quarters boss, was asked to brothers succeed. I desire to put this responsibility to the you. "

Other students have nodded his head, looked at Tang, his face showing a trace of hope in the light. Book _

Sense of justice, is a knight of the basic elements. Protection of the weak nature included, Tang Tang Men was this year in terms of education can be described as numerous, heard no longer refuse, "Okay. I do not see students being bullied quarters."

Just then, a clear voice came from outside, "here is the seven homes it?"

At the same time everyone looked toward the door, his eyes suddenly some straight.

Qiaosheng Sheng saw a little girl standing in the doorway, evidently, and Tang, the same age, height and almost the same. Pretty little face rosy, pink and tender look like a ripe peach, people very impulse to bite. Although her dress is very simple, but it looks, it was very clean and tidy.

Black braided hair combed into a scorpion down over the hips. Reveals a pair of watery eyes curious. Her hands are holding a brand new school uniform.

Quarters of the students are boys, and suddenly saw a little girl so beautiful there, exposed and all of a stunned look.

Could not help but whisper to the Sheng-Tang asked: "We live here mixing of men and women?"

Wang Sheng nodded his head, the same low voice, said: "We also are the children, schools are not gender of each dorm. It is said to Intermediate School teachers will separate the soul. Is really strange, last time workers do not have a , this year to two. boss, on the one played rough with her. "

"Well ... uh ... without it." Tang did not think I had just become the seven homes in this so-called boss, and immediately ran into a problem. Him to bully a girl, he really can not do this.

Blinked his eyes in front of girl, looking at which deaf ears themselves, and then look up at the seven homes on the door plate, he looked sweetly smile, "Hello, I called the Little Dance, dance dance. "

Back of the Tang Sheng-Lian Tong, indicating he could not undermine the dormitory rules.

Tang desperation, had stood up, went over toward the girl, "Hello, my name is Tang. Yes, yes ... here ..." His boss is somewhat not say the word, the brain had an idea "relinquish strengths are here, you call my name on the line. I ask, what is your Wuhun?"

Blinked his eyes a little dance, with a smile: "I Wuhun a rabbit. The kind of cute little rabbits. You?" She smiled up, his face would be exposing the cute little dimples, can not tell the moving.

Tang said: "That you not just grams of me, my Wuhun Wuhun your food. Blue-silver grass." And the girls never had the experience of the exchange, he had only a day in the Tang Men indulge in hidden weapon among At this point even a little nervous.

Small dance Puchi smile, said: "You're funny, let me go in it?"

"This ... ..., so we have a rule seven homes, new to the work-study students, to show yourself Wuhun strength. So, I think you learn from this."

Tang secretly comfort of their own, learn from, not bullying. His careful, do not hurt her it is. Can be considered to retain the traditional quarters.

Look at some weird little dance Tang, "Are you sure?"

Tang three nodded, and said: "OK."

Small dance to their uniforms aside, he looked a bit excited, "Yeah, that come."

Before Tang could react, her right leg has been bent into the sky, an instant pop-up toes, chin straight kick to the primary three. Look how the power is not large, but the speed is very fast, and threaten the Tang hop.

The left side of the body toward the flash, get away, kick to the foot, while his right hand grasping the ankle Xiangxiao Wu, step right foot habitual shoulder by Xiangxiao Wu's chest. Iron Mountain by a standards. Under normal circumstances, the single support body is a small dance to really rely on the Tang so, then she is bound to fly or fall out.

Of course, the Tang is a very measured, and his heart has been thought well, as long as the small Labour out of balance, with their speed, never had time to grab her, and he is useless in that by the number of force. Be more than just tried, and even cross the border.

Other students are watching attentively and small dance hands Tang, Sheng-Tang watched the action, splendor in the eyes again and again, memories of her efforts. He found that although the action Tang is simple, but very effective.

However, things are not set according to Tang to go on the script.

Don had just caught three little dance right ankle when he suddenly felt a hand slip, exert its utmost to catch even one missed out. Then, the small dance space in the leg advantage of the opportunity to play a cross, has been resting on his shoulder. Tang hit over the face of the right shoulder, her hands lightly block, leveraging the right foot in the Tang shoulder, the other leg also lifted, Tang homeopathy climbed the other side of the shoulder.

Monday, March 28, 2011

leaps backward

If the first or coincidence, then, after another two fell out of the Sheng-obviously not as simple as looking at other children's eyes suddenly Tang, there have been some changes.
Soon as the child obviously should not appear in the mouth of the deep roar from the Sheng-throat sounded vaguely in to see him emerge a layer of pale yellow light, flapping moment of bounce on the bed of the body, either speed or power obviously can not be compared before.

Wuhun. He spent Wuhun power. This idea in the flash of light from the Tang mind flashed between.

However, Wuhun then?

Wang Sheng caught watching hands to their shoulders, Tang also raised his own hands, as into a claw, went up to the Sheng-hand. Meanwhile feet toes inward, knees slightly bent, make a standard clamp Yang Ma Bu.

Four-phase hand, if the use of just a skill, then the front of the power is turned into the battle. Two pairs of hands of different sizes have been caught together.

Sheng-Tang, had been angered, his face showing a trace of grim, at this time, he has used his power of Tiger Wuhun war, even though he knows can not really hurt the Tang, but at least with the power to make this big disgrace to the devil himself pinned to the ground.

Tigers force, and Sheng-have every reason to believe that, by virtue of their rank in the top five in the power of students, overwhelmed just this guy should be easy.

But really the case?

Tang, although thin, but he can not even cast hammer swing nearly every time, how can normal force?

Sheng-development effort in the same time, he clearly felt the pair was smaller than he did a few hard numbers like the hands of steel in general, almost in a flash, made on the strength of a landslide victory. Force with both hands while the thumb Tang, Sheng-tiger's mouth while I just felt numb, his own soul force the other side was completely suppressed. Tang followed with his hands on it leaps backward.

Wang Sheng itself is under the flutter from the air, Tang, after the jump, suddenly lost his balance band. He watched in their Tang knees in front of enlarged heart, suddenly cried out bad.

Tang is a step in the knee to his nose, and Sheng-known, even if not counting the power of Tang itself, just the way their body weight to drop down, I am afraid my nose bone will not be maintained. At that moment, his mind can not help but regret.

The watch will be able to hit opponents in the time, Tang was suddenly let go of hands, the power, he occupied the initiative back to back nature can say the same time, bend the right knee Shenzhan off, into the right- Sheng-foot kick in the foot of the chest.

This is a Leg-Snap Boxing mind, not a long hard journey, but moments but definitely not the power of the outbreak of the weak, even if the power of the Tang three kick into sending more, there is still the case.

Dorm students seeing the body of Wang Hao uncontrolled in the air made the difficult moves of a back flip, bang, the whole land has been lying prostrate on the ground.

Although Tang Men hidden weapon known, but in fact, Tang Men's catch is also very powerful hand, simply because too bright halo of hidden weapon was only masked it. Deep Stalker crane control the key to not only the capacity, but also capture a very high-handed way, which means Fenjincuogu very sinister. Of course, the Tang is not in this case it wants to use the.

This time, Sheng-wrestling is not a light, struggling for a long time before from the ground up, looking at the eyes of Tang has become Jingnu Cross. No matter how that he is only a twelve-year-old child, who face more than their own, fear, or to more impulsive.

Tang picked up their uniforms, "Now you can get out of it?"

Seeing Tang approaching, Sheng-subconscious out of the way along the way, Tang, in a place not far from the door to find a bed, put his uniform on top.

"Small, oh, no, Tang, you just use the soul of technology?" Sheng-tentatively asked.

"Soul of technology?" Was what Tang is not the first time I heard it, "What is the soul of technology?"

Wang Sheng scratched his head and said: "is used with Wuhun skills. However, your Wuhun silver grass really is blue?"

Raised his right hand, a touch of blue light emission from the palm of your hand, Tang told with action in the students dormitory, he did not lie.

Technology to hear the word soul, the other students though out of fear of the powerful Tang, but still around us, "It really is the soul of technology it? Amazing, is not even competitors Sheng-brother."

Don shook his head, "That's not the soul of technology, it is just a fighting technique. We do not have bedding it?"

A not much older than the students of Tang three eyes of a dark, "We just work part-time students, have been exempted from tuition fees is to be, and where they come from bedding ah! Us, are also brought over from home. Otherwise, you go with me of it. "

Tang waved and said: "No, thank you. I'll do something."

Sheng-Tang came in front of, "Why do you have mercy?" The soul of his division in the Nottingham Junior College also studied for five years time, if not even change the kick Tang received in order to avoid knee injuries he would not see , then White learned.

Tang indifferent: "We are students, are not enemies."

Wang Sheng complex eyes flashed a light, "just sorry. Each time students work here, have to face that. We had to work part-time students by other students looked down on, so we must be united. I just want you to The new energy and us together ... ... "

Tang smiled and said: "So, we should give me played rough with it?"

Sheng-blushed, showing the sort of simple and honest smile, "You gave me a played rough with my son. However, you really are serious. You should just six years old now."

Tang three nodded.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

You should be my bow

"Their origin is not noble, but it also has the inherent power over the soul. And this accident is the presence of variation Wuhun. And according to my many years of research on the variation Wuhun, without any kind of blue and silver Wuhun Wuhun grass will mutate. and you Wuhun blue silver grass is blue and silver grass plain, so I am fully sure that their judgments are correct. "
"Variant Wuhun, what is it?" Tang asked.

Master explained patiently: "This is the first that Wuhun how heritage issues. Wuhun one owns, and the parents has a direct relationship between Wuhun the most normal circumstances, is to carry on his father or mother of any Wuhun party. This is the family's Wuhun heritage. and some of the exceptions is the so-called variation Wuhun. Wuhun parents is also a source, but because my father and mother Wuhun between the variability of a certain , they were inheritors of the Wuhun variation appear to produce a new kind of Wuhun. Wuhun variations can be a powerful variation, and even innate power over the soul. But most of the variation Wuhun, but will only become weak. Wuhun like a variation of the product of inbreeding, a great chance of an idiot, but there are far more than ordinary people may be wise. "

Tang three nodded, suddenly, he moved away a step back, opened the distance between themselves and the master, followed by, his knees fell to his knees knock respectful to master the three head.

This time, turn the master shocked, "What are you doing?"

"Teacher." Tang Sangong King's cries, "Please take me as a disciple it."

Master smiled, satisfied smile, and bent down to pull up Tang, "Silly boy, why should kowtow apprentice, you do not know that it is only thanks to the king and parents etiquette it? Only bow on it."

Douro mainland Tang habits obviously the first world is different, but Tang did not think that they have more than a courtesy, solemnly: "The day as a teacher, father for life. You should be my bow."

Tang Men is very harsh for the teaching of manners, had grown up by the kind of education has long been deeply imprinted in the Tang heart.

Master Tang looked at moving, "day as a teacher, father for life, good, good, it seems, I really did not choose the wrong." The so-called corners, success depends on details, although it is not long contact time teacher and student were , but the master of not just this child has had no small understanding.

"Come on, I'll take you to Office of Academic Affairs reports." Tang master's hand pulling the trigger again, his big hands as the original dry slightly sweating some excitement.

Nottingham Elementary School Teachers and the soul does not, she looks so great, is divided into several regions, the main teaching building, playground and playground east of the dormitory building.

Although only a junior division soul College students here are very strict requirements, even at the college near home, students must stay in the colleges, under unified management.

Office of Academic Affairs in the main classroom building layer is responsible for receiving new look sixties, a teacher, there are two youth within the ages of thirty to him along the way the teacher.

The master proof on the table, the older teacher who said: "Su Zhuren, which is the soul of this holy time workers sent by the village, would you help him up again."

Su Zhuren sounded Duixiao said: "Master, how do you come, occasional visitors, ah! It sit a while."

Master shook his head, to the Tang said: "You yourself up here, which many teachers will tell you how to do it. I go first, I shall go back to you."

Tang three nodded, respectfully: "The teacher goodbye."

Master smiled, touched his head and turned away.

Master Tang heard three pairs of address, Su Zhuren seemed interested, "Young man, you call the master teacher? He was not our faculty."

Tang said: "But he is my teacher."

Su Zhuren surprised a moment, "Do you worship the guru as a teacher?" His look quirky, it is a want to hold back the laughter and strong expression.

Tang said: "There is nothing wrong with it? Teacher."

Su Zhuren repeatedly shook his head and smiles: "No, no. Did not think the master will Shoutu Di. However, you still the College's students, the future also have to comply with University rules and regulations, you know?"

Tang three nodded.

Su Zhuren next to his two young teachers can not conserve so good, one of whom took the proof of Wuhun looked, smiling, "Tang is not it. As a college teacher, I'll remind you. Master not easily identified. any of the divisions of the soul, whether or not graduated from college, they can only recognize a master, otherwise, they will not be tolerated by the world. you really think that the master is fit it? Oh, you're full of spirit innate forces. unfortunately, Wuhun silver grass is blue. "

See the proof of the inherent power of a few words full of soul, in the presence of teachers have expressed surprise face color, but blue and silver grass has forced them into a sorry surprise.

Tang, some strange look in front of three School teacher, "What's inappropriate?"

Su Zhuren stared around a young teacher, said: "Although the master a bit eccentric, but in some ways, he is in the area Wuhun 'invincible' existence. Anyway, you are blue-silver grass Wuhun , worship him as a teacher has nothing to do. Well, so be it. this is your thing, the college free of charge. you live in the dormitory room seven. where the responsible teacher will arrange for you to work as a work-study students. go. "

"Thank you." Fed to the things that took Suzhu Ren Tang, salute, turn and out of the Office of Academic Affairs.

Su Zhuren to him is the soul of a standard Normal College Nottingham primary school uniform, white texture looks very clean. Just out of the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Academic Affairs Tang vaguely heard the words before the voice of young teachers out.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

try to be obedient

The soul of a teacher's character is at least an apology to himself, the old Jack's vanity was a great meet, quickly shook hands and said: "Do not apologize, do not apologize. We are not good. Master, that the child to bother you . Primary Three, you follow the master into it, and try to be obedient. "
Tang three nodded, but did not speak.

Before the stop in front of the porter into his master, his left hand has been lifted, Xiujian on insurance has been opened. If the front of the master, then again later step, perhaps, it will be more of a porter throat obelisk.

【Recorded Master Po Hsuan Tien Tang Men, a third to determine the opponent is the enemy, as long as its a way of death, do not be lenient, otherwise it will only add to their troubles】

In the Tang seems to Jack that the elderly porter hands, coupled with his harsh, itself already has the road of death. Meanwhile, he also has absolutely sure, including the old Jack included, No one found his rocket Xiujian issued. There is no evidence, who can say he kill? Silent Xiujian Tangmen fast projectile velocity, there will only be a shadow, how can a concierge can dodge stuff like that.

Jack Tang has urged a few words, this left.

Master saw that the porter a faint, "This is the first and last time, if any offense, you do not have stayed." His voice broke in with a calm, but there is a people can not refute feeling.

Concierge fly from behind the cold sweat, and the flash should be rushed repeatedly to one side.

Master looked down to the Tang, his face out of a smile, the muscles of his face seems a bit stiff, some people laugh the way to boast about. Pull up the hand of Tang, said: "We get it."

Master's soft and dry hands, holding up very comfortable, virtually bring a bit of trust Tang. Under his leadership, the Tang finally walked into this college.

"The teacher, thank you." Tang said to the Masters.

"Teacher? I am not faculty." Tang Master looked down one, faint.

"No teacher? You just said to represent the College Why not?"

Master shook his head, has no patience, he was exceptionally tolerant today, once again the kind of ugly out a trace of a smile, "Who says we must be on behalf of University faculty?"

Tang suddenly said: "I understand that you must be college president, or leading it."

Masters loss laughed: "you a child six years old, to be very smart. However you guess wrong."

Tang puzzled and said: "That you?"

Master said: "I'm just a drink here, rub rub guest to eat it. You and others like me to master it. Everybody was calling me. I even have forgotten his name. Wuhun proof the house Tang says your name on the right, Tang, you have to understand the meaning of masters and teachers poles apart, this will not be called wrong. unless ... ... "

Said here, after listening to his words down, eyes are shining the light burning, "unless you really willing to let me be your teacher."

"You want to teach me to practice Wuhun it?" Tang asked.

Master stopped and stood still facing Tang, "What are you willing to do?"

Tang naturally stopped, looked up at the Masters before, this time a close look, but also from the bottom to the point of view, he found the master's mouth a little big, thick lips. He did not speak, neither that promise, did not say do not agree.

Master Tang pair stared looking to watch their eyes, the kind of stiff smile again, "Okay, you really are a clever boy."

Do not do it has two meanings, one is in no hurry to refuse, so as not to offend the master. Second, with the action to ask the master, why should I worship you as a teacher do?

Jack did as the old master, raised his head and rubbed his hands in the Tang, "genius, is so smart, it seems, I have attached a back. How to say, you are the third this century to twins Wuhun. "

After listening to the words of the master, Tang was shocked, looking at the master's eyes suddenly changed, changed, has quietly raised his left wrist, his eyes showed alarmed look.

God in the old master looked at him and smiled, saying: "You are not very swift pace, why would I know you are a twin Wuhun?" He spoke, he shook in his hand to his proof of the old Jack, "is Because this proof. Maybe other people do not see the flaws, but if I do not see, I also do not deserve the word of the master. "

"I have investigated six hundred forty-seven Wuhun blue silver grass, including, with soul force of sixteen, the probability less than three per cent. And even if this force is to have the soul of sixteen A soul can not force more than one level, but you are full of soul power innate ten. Wuhun as I studied the top ten in a core competence, congenital soul force is proportional to the size and quality Wuhun look. obviously unable to meet the blue silver grass, so I am sure, you should have another Wuhun, and is a very powerful Wuhun. "

Tang's eyes gradually calmed down, rebuttal and said: "Everything has an exception, why I can not be an exception to it?"

Master nodded seriously and said: "Yes, everything has an exception, but your Wuhun blue silver grass, so you obviously not the exception. Days of fighting the Empire and Star Luo Diguo in recent centuries, the twin weapons Although there have been only two soul, but full of soul power of nature but there have been nineteen, I looked carefully at each of their Wuhun, and both are strong there, the youngest one, and now has reached the big soul division level. In addition to fourteen people have a strong genetic pedigree than Wuhun, five is the exception. "

Friday, March 25, 2011

twins wu soul two

Tang, the old Jack away, and he lost heart a bit too much, after all, prime Yuntao said ring may be related to the soul of his breakthrough Xuan Tian Gong problem. But he did not show it, he believed, the opportunity is still there.

Slowly back to the smithy, Tang Hao surprisingly did not return to the room to sleep, but sitting in a chair eyes closed.

"Dad, you sleep a while back to the room, and I went for lunch."

Tang Hao is still closed eyes, faint: "Do not you also feel very disappointed. Also want to become the soul of the division it?"

Tang Somewhat taken aback, "Never mind, father, a blacksmith is also very good ah, the same can feed us. Did not you promise me to teach me to create tools for it?"

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes, from his eyes, Tang saw the excitement, we knew it, Tang Hao's right fist is clenched, has emerged showing a trace of old face on a very cold atmosphere, "the soul Normal? soul division what is the use? mention just a waste Wuhun, even the most powerful Wuhun, the most powerful soul, what else can teachers use? but still waste nothing more. "

Tang Hao's mood is very excited, his body trembling, vaguely between the Tang saw his father in the eyes a little crystal things.

Ran Tang Hao Tang holding the fist, "Dad, you do not get angry, I do not do the soul of the division it is. I have been with you, give you a cook."

Take a deep breath, Tang Hao excitement comes and go too fast, light: "The release of your Wuhun I see."

"Good." Tang three nodded, raised his right hand, quietly pushed the body Xuan Tian Gong, the consciousness of a special kind of feeling the heat as a fusion with the Xuan Tian Gong, a touch of blue light appeared in his palm into the instant room, a sparkling blue-grass have emerged.

Stared looking at the hands of the Blue Tang, silver grass, while Tang Hao absence, a long time to recover only gradually, in the eyes light throughput uncertainty, murmured, whispered: "Blue silver grass, silver grass really is blue. And she's the same. "

Suddenly, Tang Hao Meng stood up, turned and walked toward the back room, a sudden movement almost made him fall in front of the Tang, in the hands of their own blue and silver grass Wuhun also disappeared.


Tang Hao impatient wave of his hand, "Stop fighting me." Said to have opened the curtain into the back room.

"But, I have a Wuhun." Tang was awakened out of their own today Wuhun different. This is he did not ask the prime Yuntao and Jack out of the question, after all, only those who are just outsiders.

... ...

【Recorded Master Po Hsuan Tien Tang Men, the first: Never let people know not fully trust the strength of how much you truly. 】

... ...

Tang Xuan Tian Bao recorded well known to, for it is absolutely adhere to the Master.

Shoved aside the curtain, Tang Hao in the outside again, this time, but has done his face was shocked look, you can see, his eyes red, just seems to be in tears.

Tang did not speak, but raised his right hand as before it, slowly raised his left hand, this time, no longer blue, a touch of black light poured forth from his palm into, Guanghua instant cohesion, a Strange things appear in his palm into.

It is edged black quintana hammer, hammer handle about half a foot long hammer is the cylinder, looks like a miniature casting hammer, however, that the surface of black hammer, but it has an exceptional light, cylindrical hammer, the drive around the circle of light patterns.

Do not know why, when Zhebing hammer in the hands of Tang, the entire room air is a bit depressing, and Tang can not seem to bear the weight of tools and try to hammer in general, can only hold his arm slowly drooping. His face had become somewhat pale.

And almost no power consumption of the blue-silver grass Tien different Zhebing small black hammer appeared to absorb almost all of the internal forces of Tang. He could barely control his own grip hammer handle. Although it looks, Zhebing small hammer, but in fact, far more than its weight has to cast hammer.

"This, this is ... ..." is almost a stride Tang Hao Tang came to three before he grabbed the hand holding the hammer, to his own face, Tang Hao's hand is very strong, at least for now no longer feel Tang hammer on his arm was as big a load.

When Tang Hao's hand holding his hand, a warm flesh and blood feel comfortable that Tang hearts of its duties, "Dad, what does not it?"

Looking at the small black hammer, before disappearing once again in light of the excitement of Tang Hao eyes, "twin Wuhun. Wuhun turned out to be twins. Son, my son."

Suddenly, a powerful open arms Tang Hao, Tang will be poured into his tight embrace.

Tang Hao's chest is very broad, perhaps because of the long-term reasons to do blacksmith, although the surface he looks lazy, but his muscular body is not reduced because of age, and his warm embrace. Father brought a sense of security that nothing else can not be replaced.

"Dad." Shocked some of Tang, in his memory, this seems to be the first such Tang Hao hug him.

The hands of a small hammer as if to become more and more heavy, even though Tang was like the father to bring the warmth, but he do not want to get rid of the hammer hit his father.

"Daddy, I want to not hold on." Tang said, could not resist.

Tang Haosong open arms, "take it back."

Wu Guang dispersed, the weight is gone, Tang heart is very strange, it is obviously a mixture of his own body Xuan Tian Gong special forces to form an hammer, why not carry it himself? Even more surprising is that he calls out over the little hammer, the consumption of their own internal forces even seventy-seven

twins wu soul

Thursday, March 24, 2011

fake it

Quickly lose the old Jack laughed: "This little guy, from the Holy Spirit to the village, the child is sent by our village time workers this year. You see, we need to go through?"
Concierge frowned, and some cynical: "The grass nest is also out of the Phoenix it? In a small village some people have a soul edge? College for many years but had not had time workers. You're not fake it."

Jack in the eyes flicker of the old anger, but still swallow of the prime minister who last Wuhun certificate issued Yuntao took out and handed the porter.

Porter took the show looked down, "Wuhun blue silver grass? Also inherent power over the soul? Funny, this is really big thing in the world protracted slide. I also did four years in college porter, and have not heard of inherent power over the soul of students, this guy is blue Wuhun silver grass, but also is full of soul force? I see proof of this Wuhun you must be forged. "

"You ... ..." Even if Jack temper better, at this time has some bear to, "You are deliberately making things difficult. Well, you waiting for, I went to the house of the deacon adults Wuhun minutes to go. The third, we go. "Then, turning to Jack with Tang went to the city.

Proof of Hall Wuhun points can not be false nature, and that concierge is also know, however, came to give the number of new people will generally mean that, especially in civilian families. Better than the so-called King of Hell, kid tough is the truth.

Jack came from the old country, though a village, where they know they can be round after round.

Concierge somewhat disturbed mind, if people really come Wuhun Hall, and not starting he could be magnanimous, of course, he also believes people will never Wuhun two country bumpkin to College for such questions.

Depressed heart, not his mouth, then naturally nice, "but also the soul of the village of St, I think the village was almost begging."

"What?" Turned around and shoved the old Jack, porter, then can be said that most touched the pride of his heart, when he and Tang Hao can therefore turn, this time Zhege concierge who is outside the village, but also his intolerable. Left a few steps back, glaring at the porter.

Jack has been menacing the old porter shocked, could not help but step back, but he quickly react, heart cursed themselves, not that an old man Mody, what to fear.

"How? Not convinced ah, I said you are coming from the village of beggars, are wrong? You see this little beast, who dress all patches. I see, you still find a place to go begging. We Nordin College is not a Sin. Get out, Get out of here. "

With these words, porter raised his left hand to push the chest to the Jake, they would rush away.

Gas anger in the hearts and minds of the old Jack, suddenly, between the two men figure more than a thin, also raised his left arm, his delicate hands barely enough to lodge in the hand, left hand to the right force, suddenly the concierge left hand to push the slid, while the figure was thin quick step forward right foot, left foot just behind the step at the lodge, while his right hand raised, and caught it with his left hand down along the concierge.

It would beat up his left arm should be cut in each other's elbows, so that it can not send forces, but the cast is indeed so small a number, so it can only hold back the concierge of the wrist, he moves fast, the body while ago exploration, throw off the porter in his left hand while pushing forward to. Just push in the lower abdomen at the porter.

Porter left behind more than a foot, Despite the fact that the foot is not large, but has enough to complete his desired effect, and lower abdomen by force, at the foot of a mix, just listen to normal soon, the porter has Zuodao the ground.

"Little Three, you ... ..." Jack looked stunned stand in front of their own people.

Tang was shot, he used this style, not even Tangmen secret, only he had the world powers in the most simple window of a push-moon, of course, cast them from his body, we naturally have to deformation. Not only can not live in the opponent's arms cut, which should push the chest on the other hand to push in the lower abdomen, of course, the result is the same.

Tang three was not much, can definitely not a small force. This is not a white waving hammer a few months, even if not using Xuan Tian Gong, still look down to the ground porter.

"Brats, are not prepared." Pushed by a child what a shame, concierge Jinu below rushed up from the ground must Tang.

"Well, stop it." Just then a voice sounded hoarse, stop the concierge of the action.

Somewhat taken aback porter first, followed, his face suddenly of anger to flatter, change the speed, it is hard to imagine, we face come bowing said: "Master, you are back."

Tang turned and looked, between a medium build, slightly underweight do not know when a man came to them already. It appears that this person about four or five-year-old's appearance, short black hair Panax separate looks very ordinary, hands behind their back, the body there is a special kind of temperament, between the opening and closing his eyes with a bit lazy and decadent.

'Master' is a porter a ramp and did not bother him, to the old Jack said: "Excuse me sir, can prove to Wuhun show me the house?"

Jack, after all, the old village of birth, how the wind blows still, from the porter's face can be seen in front of the middle-aged man's position in the College definitely not low, not to mention also that the title of master in there. Went to the hands of the proof of delivery in the past.

Master looked at the proof, look and then transferred to the Tang, who, he looked up and down glances, do not know why, although the master's eye is not sharp, can be seen Tang's all there and let in a sense.

"Proved to be true right, old man, just the thing I apologize on behalf of Institute. This child to me."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

have a good grounding

Only one meter, leaves only one meter away from flying out, it has been unable to maintain the rotation of the situation, as it is not hard, leaving three fingers Tang, Hsuan Tien effect of internal forces work naturally disappear.

"Skill is still too weak." Shook his head helplessly. Tang, stood up, it is time to go back, and today, his leaving the village, next time come top of the mountain, do not know what had got the time.

Toes point, the leg force, Tang fans to display from the ghost track, towards the foot of the mountain away.

The familiar smell of incense porridge, which is to give his father the last time before leaving to cook, and Tang, certainly not lazy. Looked at the wood under the stove, add some water to the soup inside, so that the father woke up, too, a drink of hot porridge.

Old Jack has come, perhaps because the reasons for going to Nottingham City today wearing a specially-old Jack a new dress, looked hale and hearty brightened somewhat.

The "mini three, go. You will not be that Slacker Dad up." Greeted Jack Tang.

Tang silence to Jack than a gesture, "Grandpa, you sound a small point, Dad does not like people arguing his best to sleep." He spoke, he was taken out from a fire burn the charcoal to write on the ground a few lines, and then reluctantly looked back to his father's door, this burden on her own and Jack quietly leave.

The text of the world, Tang know much, are private school to teach the village children learn words, he occasionally looked for. I, after all, have a good grounding before, he mastered some basic text.

Curtain off, the tall figure came out from the back room, Tang Hao, and not the least bit sleepy eyes, and when he went to the door, faintly still see the old Jack and Tang thin body.

Tang Hao stand did not move until the Tang and the village head back Jack has completely disappeared, and he still stood there a long while Dai Li.

What seems to think, suddenly turned and walked back to Blacksmith Tang Hao, Tang look to the left on the ground of his words.

Two very simple words, "Daddy, Grandpa Jack and I go. You have to take care the body, drinking less alcohol. Porridge in the pot, do not forget to drink."

Eyes from the ground turned to the side of the wok of words, the rush Tang Hao Meng, a sweeping open the lid on the pan, his hands end up directly to the wok.

As Tang Sangang just add water, iron in the porridge has not re-boil, but regardless of whether Tang Hao was then carried to the mouth and filling the pan, swallowing, breathing, in his eyes, I do not know When a layer has more meaning hazy water.

Walking on the road, Tang silently around with in the old Jack, the direction of the village from time to time Huitou Zhao looked.

"Little Three, will not or could not bear to you that the village drunkard father?" Jack Tang touch the head, asked with a smile.

"A little bit of it." Tang replied quietly.

Jack smiled and said: "and my grandson, not a device than a few, you know better the child too much. If you how wonderful my grandson. Tang Hao was an alcoholic lucky. Do not try too much , the outside world is very wide, to college, you will know a lot of friends.'ll learn a lot. so you have the soul of the division title, the state will send you a monthly grant of that time, your home Life can be a little better. "

Tang, after all, two-man world, listening to the words of Jack, sentiment has gradually returned to normal, heart intolerable desire for the outside world, asked: "Grandpa Jack, you can give me about the College it? What is that place?"

Jack smiled and said: "College is a place of course. Although I have not been to, but have largely remained unclear. Our village has an annual quota of work-study students, but did not have time workers for many years to learn. Work-study Students still a lot of concessions, exemption from tuition and accommodation, just enough money to eat themselves out. You can do some simple in the college work in exchange for food. such as cleaning the classroom and the like. In general, work-study students learning at the college and also almost the same free of charge. If it is pay to learn it, not us poor people can afford. "

Tang said: "Dad said, so I went to the college after work to find a blacksmith shop."

"You? To the blacksmith to work? Are you kidding? I think Don Ho is really crazy." Snappily old Jack said, "you what, it has not cast hammer high. There would be any blacksmith shop will charge you for this apprenticeship workers, not to mention, the blacksmith is not taken seriously in this profession, how much revenue would not be working. You learn in the college as long as enough. "

"However, that matter, if if you can be successful in college, then to that drunkard of a father should allow you to save you some money. After the Institute of the intermediate division but not the soul of students work part-time places, it takes a lot of money, but order to learn. only the soul of a grant not enough teachers. "

Since Tang inherent power over the soul, the old Jack has to look at him as the soul of the division.

Tang puzzled look at Jack, said: "There Intermediate School Teacher What soul? And junior divisions of the soul School What is the difference? Are colleges, should also be taught the knowledge of teachers are the soul of it."

Old Jack is very patient, explains: "Certainly not the same. Junior College Teachers teach the soul are some basic things, there are some cultural classes to learn. Wuhun just awakening only accept children as students, schooling is six years , until twelve years old, so if there is no future, that is the soul of an ordinary teacher to do. But if the potential for good, most people will choose to go to Intermediate School Spirit Teacher Training. has been learning to eighteen years of age. Intermediate School Spirit Teacher advanced a number of things we should teach, but will greatly increase the difficulty of learning. If you can not meet college requirements, you can not graduate. This is the soul of division and junior college is not the same. "

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the soul of the division of knowledge

Tang Hao Lengran: "I need you to take care of it? You to be it, this is your own choice to Road, St. Soul has an annual quota of the village. Not a waste, I give you the casting method that allows You easily find a blacksmith shop in the city working as an apprentice, tuition and meals should be enough. "

Although Tang Hao said to be very cold, but Don has three eyes were still blowing heat. Since few months, despite the attitude of Tang Hao on the ground that he did not change anything, can be cast as Tang Hao taught him. Just this tall old man. His father has become increasingly to feel that he certainly want to learn about the soul of the division of knowledge, but also some time to bear their father.

Tang Hao said: "I let you go to Nottingham is conditional. Promise me that you can go to the conditions."

"I promise." Tang said without hesitation.

Tang Hao Wei Zhou brow. "Do you even I do not ask to ask what is so easily promise? As a man. Promised to do to be done. Do not promise to be a light person."

Natural Tang said: "No matter what my dad. I promise, my father is certainly good to me."

Tang Hao Wei Zheng, Tang said in a very casual, but it is the kind of confidence that makes him a natural mood appeared to change little.

"No matter how you cultivate the soul of the future force. I want you to promise me. Shall not apply to you that any one soul Wuhun hammer ring, or even do not let anyone see it appear. Not to let others know that you are twins Wuhun. Can you do that? "

Tang Somewhat taken aback, "that blue-silver grass Wuhun it?"

Tang Hao said: "Blue silver grass Wuhun you can easily use, practice, to impose any Wuhun have no problem. Wuhun twins Wuhun not need to rely on the two rings to enhance the soul can continue to practice after the soul force. As long as there is a Wuhun ring with the soul. the soul to increase, to the bottleneck will disappear. "

Tang said: "That is. In the future I'm just using the blue-silver grass Wuhun. Is not it?"

Tang Hao nodded. "Unless life-threatening encounter. Otherwise, do not use the tools and try to hammer."

"Good. I promise you." Tang nodded solemnly, for him, do not practice Wuhun practice, the use of what the soul ring, not a problem. If I could find ways to break through the bottleneck Xuan Tian Gong enough, his hidden weapon Tang Men do not need to Wuhun to assist.

In others it seems, may just waste Wuhun blue silver grass. Tang has been available not because the blue-silver grass and depressed before. Tang Men Shader practice to some extent. Abstract not fly empty leaves can be hurt, it is real, blue-silver grass soul force by the internal force that is condensed Xuan Tian Gong. As long as enough internal force, is almost unlimited hidden weapon.

"Okay. Eat it." Tang Hao Road.

Impoverished family also did not say not too bad. Tang did nothing to prepare, only those with the size of his clothes tidy patches are even completed.

However. That day he did not listen to just pack up and Tang Hao, forging voice still echoed in his room. In order to be able to produce all kinds of hidden weapon in the future. Tang Sanming white, all rely on their own. Casting his father taught surgery is absolutely necessary to spare no practice. Not practice in the hidden weapon skills to the peak time. Hidden weapon in itself to have a decisive effect on the quality. Buddhist anger, especially as the kind of level to super-Tang Lin hidden weapon. Is precise to one cent can not be the extent of errors.

Had particularly long day. Tang also come into the world, after the first uneasy. For the outside world. He has hope, but also somewhat of fear, whether in the Tang Men. Holy Spirit or in the village. His life experiences are not out to experience this point. He really no difference between a child. He has been thought. How to give yourself the outside world what kind of exciting it?

After dinner. Tang Hao dropped a word to go out drinking. Seems no different than usual, he told Tang in the morning to go to sleep when he was not noisy.

Early morning. Tang, a large stone sitting on top of the mountain. Hands Nianzhuo leaf, Italian Ying Ran purple eyes. Do not know because of the recent robust than in the past a number of physical reasons, and the purple magic pupil's progress very fast, the hands of the leaves. Even the most minor to a texture. He also clearly observed. He knows. Hitomi very devil himself in purple have entered the realm of nuanced manner.

Nine of the Tien and the work is divided into different, very magic purple pupil only four levels, looking back, nuanced, mustard seeds, the vast, Tang Men requirements of the Disciples, is to enter the alleged assaults. For the use of hidden weapon is enough. Practice in the early Tang. After birth with congenital is not fully dispersed in air, was only six years old, already have to feel a glimmer of nuanced, but he also knows that Tang Men Disciples of almost everyone in the purple pupil can achieve a very penetrating magic realm . May include the main doors, including Mr. Tang Tai, but no one can enter the magic purple pupil very next realm.

To alleged assaults, the Purple Magic pupil to practice extreme speed becomes extremely slow. And every day without interruption of the absorption of the East to Purple. Is simply not able to explain to the word perseverance. Therefore, the general into the alleged assaults in the realm of disciple Tang Men, you get very few practitioners to continue, the legend. Tangmen there was a very magic purple elder pupil has reached the realm of mustard, but there is nothing special achievements. Only state to see to be more nuanced than some of it clearly. The elders who practice magic pupil purple pole over three years.

Xuan Tian Gong filled with internal force, a sudden injection of foliage, soft ground under the leaves in the internal force suddenly become straight. Tang light right index finger and middle finger shaking. Rotate out of the leaves, cut the air usually fly out.

Monday, March 21, 2011

think about progress

Early morning. Tang refreshing back from the mountains to do breakfast, this day was. Because every day using a very magic purple pupil in the morning and continue to practice, and the purple and former pupil than most demons do not already have a small progress, he has been able to meter in the eyes of insects flapping their wings to see slight movement , if not Xuan Tian Gong did not break the bottleneck. Tang believe. Their progress in other areas will be greater.

Fifty-cm square to a piece of iron forged into a fist-sized, it had seemed impossible to do, as early as two weeks ago has been completed Tang, Tang Hao taught him the kind of hard to forging hammer leveraging. He also fired a round to continuously hammer, each hammer is accurate. Including the power to control. Although Tang Hao has never praised him anything. But his father occasionally eye view showing satisfaction. Tang know that their method can be considered that some small hammer into, think about progress, or rely on constantly practicing.

About to enter the house of the. Gently touched the wrist. Tang, face showing a trace of a satisfied smile. His wrist after being brought into the world to the first piece, but all steps are completed by himself to work.

It was a Xiujian. In the first place to Tang Men, the Xiu Jian is the most common class to drive, including a hidden weapon. Xiu Jian Huang to make the key machine designed to power and its degree of sophistication, like Xiu Jian Tang made itself even with a safety device, no friendly fire to be.

A Xiujian, usually three arrows and a sleeve composition. Tang is now in the hands of this band is no exception. And this Xiujian to material, but it is time he spent hundreds of days to hammer out the piece of iron.

Tang Hao Tang completed when the task. The only piece of iron forged into a fist-sized, he was surprised to find that many impurities in the original turned into a piece of pig iron mother. The real iron mother.

Before I, not to mention him. Even the best casting Tangmen master. This will never be forged into a normal pig iron to approach the mother, but in this world. Has become a reality. This in itself is a very incredible things, and Tang wrist with this tube Xiujian. It is manufactured by a piece of iron from the mother to complete the Xiujian to manufacturing. Including three four-inch small arrow included. Just use up all the iron master.

On the casting. Tang No, far better than Tang Hao. On the manufacturing ingenuity can be hidden weapon, let alone Tang Hao, I am afraid the Douro in the continent who do not like him outside the door to the Don genius.

Ordinary Xiujian. Range of fifteen meters generally, and the Xiu Jian Tang has to create an effective attack can be kept away from the meters.

The so-called effective range of attack. After injection is Xiujian direct distance, that is, the distance can be maintained fully lethal.

This tube Xiu Jian Tang, although only three, but the production is extremely compact, every Xiujian three blood grooves on both, if not because of too few. He also once thought to Xiu Jian Jian Jian put barb. The tail end of a quarter of small to enable Xiujian very smooth flight. Cone has a spiral on the arrow to trace. When Xiujian after injection. Will have more to penetration.

For the hidden weapon to design and manufacture. Tang Sanyong far is the pursuit of perfection. Even if this is just a tube common to Xiujian only.

Tang know that he is still young. Xuan Tian Gong powerless to break through the bottleneck. If the words of ordinary people to not afraid, but if the kind of experience can use the last pixel Yuntao Wuhun soul division. Not enough power to own land, but with this barrel Xiujian not the same. Tang confident with it. Strength of the soul as long as the division is not too strong, he has a way to deal with.

... ...

【Po Hsuan Tien Tang Men recorded. Master. Second, what is hidden weapon, secret use. Special weapons to defeat the enemy side is hidden weapon. Known as the enemy you want to use it. So. It is not a hidden weapon, but the clay image,】

... ...

Tang, of course, will not make his hidden weapon into a clay image. Tang Hao has never question His mother did what with this iron. Therefore, this tube Xiujian was his secret of a man.

Into the house. Zhou Hong nostrils. Similarly, things he is doing every day. Already used to it.

"Daddy. Eat." Tang shouted to the back room.

Surprisingly, all meals every day to hear come out of the Tang Hao did not occur today.

Tang heart suddenly a bear. Is father ill? Three-step and two steps quickly ran for his father's room.

Tang Hao and not being in the room. The past few years. The first time he seems to not sleep late.

Is Tang Hao Tang wondering what to do the time. Tang Hao back.

The "mini three in the morning do you go?" Tang Hao faint asked.

Tang said: "I went out to exercise, and every morning I would go for a stroll." This is a lot of money lies, and he really is to 'exercise' the.

"Ah." Tang Hao did not get to the bottom, a light: "Today you do not have to practice casting. Pack her things, and tomorrow will take you to the old Jack Nottingham town."

Tang stunned for a moment. "Nottingham City? To do?" Was probably his last visit to Nottingham City a year ago. Old Jack into the city to buy things, the way to gain experience with his.

Tang Hao looked at him. Said: "You do not want to learn the soul of the ability of teachers it? Old Jack will take you to the soul of Nottingham City Primary School teachers do a work-study students. Where you will learn what they want to learn."

After listening to words of his father, Don three heart beat faster. An unspeakable attack on the heart to excitement, Hsuan Tien has been a troubled power could not break his biggest knot, soul to soul division ring is a clear opportunity.

"Dad, how do you change your mind?"

Tang Hao asked: "Do you go or not?"

Tang said: "But. I went to no one for you to cook." At this point he already knew. Father was so early today. Jack turned to look for the village.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

continue to fight against

Tang Hao moved, before he was in action and does not seem to make any difference. The legs with a waist. The belt back to strap arm, the local sound, hammer hit the iron on.

When the hammer at the same time because the reaction bounce. Tang Hao suddenly a turn, is still a force of leg hair. That rally has been his hammer into the sky to whirl up. Waving in the air around. With a strong wind. Is a loud noise, once again fell on the iron on. The blow not only is fast but the power seems even stronger than the first strike.

Hammer to rebound high into the sky, Tang Hao in action and the magnitude of the hammer bounce seems to have reached a perfect fit. Not earlier not later. Just pop in the hammer to the highest point is about that moment, the body driving hammer hovering week. Who spent again.

Tang's eyes lit up, this clearly is a task itself to Dharma, the use of hammers and metal into the collision to rebound the next blow to his power. In perfect coordination. To maximize the rebound to avoid the damage of its own, but these forces of order to continue to fight against, starting from the second strike, the power of each hit more than the Tang Hao wholeheartedly. But still he can to control.

Tang Hao to move faster. Casting hammer hit the iron as the storm on the general, continuously cast iron under the hammer tapping deformation. Surprisingly is. Tang Hao beat the location is very accurate. When iron is beating to the original one-half the thickness became flat to time. Casting his hand percussion hammer will have a look at the edge of the iron, so that it produces flip. Thus, iron is evenly exposed to hammer him. Rather than simply smashed into a discus.

Dictionary. Thirty-six hammer has been fired, Tang Hao led the cast with both hands in the air after another rotary hammer for three weeks to go before the hammer on the ground of the power to close hammer standing. Face is not red. Of breath, as if the storm before it hit like he did not land.

The iron hammer in between these thirty-six full small circle. Has been difficult to see with the naked eye even to impurities in which the.

This is the real blacksmith skills ah. Pretty to hammer method.

"Understand?" Tang Hao watched constantly pulling the bellows to Tang.

Tang thought. Said: "leveraging force, logically I understand, but this does not seem easy."

Tang Hao lightly: "I want to do degree in such a manner. There is only one way. Practice makes perfect. At the same time. You have to remember that if the metal is a common beat, then. Impurities in it up to the time. Is most easily broken when, at that time. you hit, the force will be smaller. When it time to gradually reduce impurities. you can begin to gradually increase the power to keep knocking in effect, to which the intensity control. is the key , you slowly draw. Do not blindly increase the strength and speed, accuracy is equally important, at least you know the hammer down.'ll knock in any place otherwise. forces resort to what is the use? "

Casting hammer back the hands of Tang. Tang Hao turned out.

My father did not go back on, he really taught his method of casting to and from the father to teach his own point of view these things, no industries have their own secret places. Is not that simple.

In the next half a month time. Tang Hao Tang in practice every day, teach him to brandish the kind of leveraging the casting fist, even though he has control of Cape Deep Stalker to assist the strength of the control. Purple pupil has a very magic hammer to determine their location, can be forged in this way is even more difficult than he imagined to master.

Since it is quanliyiji. Use of force in itself is difficult to control. With rebound, then the balance of the body but also control the hammer to the desired location is difficult. Did not add a hammer, will increase the fraction of control required. Constant rotation of the body will not only make the brain feel faint. At the same time, that the strength of each hammer will go on the more difficult to control.

Fortunately, that piece of iron he hammered a long time. Its impurities have been few, not so easy to shatter. Otherwise, he can not control the severity of the cast was under the hammer. Probably already broken.

However, in this exercise in the process, Tang Xuan Tian successfully running for the application, and control of crane Deep Stalker, the hand with the mysterious pupil to meet the very devil purple, all in the imperceptibly progressive.

From the first day of the hammer will only deviate from the position of the two waved to two weeks after the ground today. Now he can swing seven consecutive hammer, accurate hitting the iron on it, progress is obvious, the same time. Iron is also under his full percussion getting smaller every day results.

Of course. This development effort and that the method to the lower leg has a close relationship, with the way this development effort, to greatly deplete savings Xuan Tian Gong. That Tang can have more time to the bellows and the forge.

Father had waved the thirty-six hammer, and it seems like there is spare capacity, but only seven his hammer, do not know when to reach his father to the extent, whenever the thought of it in Tang times. Particularly motivated to exercise.

These days. He seems to have forgotten the Wuhun and soul ring. Even early in the morning to the very top of the mountain magic purple pupil practice time. Also thinking about how to swing a hammer to the problem.

Three months to the time passed quickly, when the Tang continued to play hammer blow to thirteen when launched. Tang Hao began to teach him how to forging apparatus. Tang Hao way to teach is very straightforward. Again do first is their own. Do it again and then let the Tang, one look at him a little entry to let his own to practice, and not too much verbal instruction. Only in key areas. When he says that the last two sentences.

Because of this, whenever a statement pointing to Tang Hao, when Tang remember vividly clear.

Friday, March 18, 2011

twins wu soul four

Tang Hao hand casting a hammer slightly to make Tang stepped back at the same time, has turned back the hands of a hammer, Di soon as the body a half turn, closely feet on the ground, exposed in the broken leg pants moments of the two outside tension, the people are ready for the Tigers as the general, legs, power and lumbar back, casting hammer has been brought back into the invisible, a clatter bang. Heavy piece of red-hot iron fell on top.

Tang can feel that this is a process of human development effort, there is no internal force Tang Hao, but no release Wuhun force, it is entirely physical strength, but also red piece of iron before, but smashed nearly one-third of the complete collapse of the deformation is extremely clear.

"The leg force, the strength of his body connection as a whole, is best." Hammer in the hands of Tang Hao Tang also to the hands, "you come again."

"Good." Tang never thought, forging there is such a knock on the door. The key to this development effort is not just used in the forging on that simple. It should also be used in their own martial art Tang Men being.

Hold the hammer handle with both hands, learn the position before the Tang Hao, Tang gazing eyes tightly iron red-hot TV drama, Hsuan Tien power running slowly, deeply into the lower leg, feet firmly on the ground button.

Tang shouted, leg strength and power while Tien magic power from the legs broke out, and instantly spread the waist rotation, drive back, to shoulders, then arms. He clearly felt that their strength seems to have become stronger than ever, that the outbreak of the legs start to the end of the arm picked up a hammer, his body seems to be that great with the fly stocks in general.

When - the hammer hit the iron on the exact issue a bang.

Tang because of the human body are moving, but waving the hammer feet off the ground, stumbled forward a step, hammer rebound into the sky, the hand with each other despite the mysterious, do not have any problem, but his arms but was It shares rebound tingling shock, but fortunately Xuan Tian Gong running time, which shares the feeling of numbness gradually disappear.

Effect is obvious, because of age, although the reasons for Tang, additional work on the Hsuan Tien, the hammer effect is not so obvious, such as Tang Hao, but compared with his earlier hit, the role of the hammer before even enough to withstand the dozens of hammers.

Tang watched the action, did not give evaluation of Tang Hao, but his eyes flashed a little surprised look, Tang obviously do a better than he expected. Tang Hao did not expect, and Tang, even in such a short period of time to master the key to this development effort.

He should know that, Tang has been in the martial ascetic Tang Men, not only have the basis of Xuan Tian Gong, control crane Deep Stalker, Ghost fans mysterious track with the hand, so far more than his peers coordination. Not understanding his own poor skills of the natural forces that made it easy to grasp. Of course, this is the first time, after all, he's still not skillful use.

"Daddy, I do right?"

Tang Hao nodded slowly, "You know the heart of the role of that? People use the most is the calf muscle, calf is the source of all power. Make good use of leg strength, your energy will surge."

Said, Tang Hao went and sat down beside the bellows from the bellows out of a cast iron the following things made, it is two pedals, like objects, Tang Hao connected to the bellows of his following, his hands pulled bellows, "cast in the role of the bellows is also very important, full of burning metal, forging better, because the toughness that would make it stronger. and any piece of metal, even more of the metal impurities, which itself is a soul, once the temperature is not enough, make it excessive force in forging the broken, then re-melting even further forging, this is just scrap metal. So, before you hit the iron when full, must be maintain the good of its temperature. pull bellows, it is also made with the leg strength, not only can reduce the power consumption as much as possible, and can make to maximize the effect of bellows. "

In that two foot double pedal board, a sudden force, and the legs start, the whole body quickly bounce back, arms will be driven in a natural handle to open the bellows, leg straight back into the bend, and then the handle back. Between one to one back, bellows full operation, Tang Hao's action did not look fast, but each and they are nothing but the ability to make the bellows to the limit, under the leadership of the calf muscles, the body and the air box to form a special kind of rhythm , the flame suddenly rising up from the furnace, iron suddenly burned red.

"You come to the bellows, in accordance with the action I have." Tang Hao ceded his position to Tang.

With the hammer before the play experience and careful observation, Tang, Tang Hao sitting position before quickly mastered the method of pulling the bellows, although some jerky, but in his careful attention to the next, every development effort are starting from the lower leg. Sure enough, such as Tang Hao said, will not only save a lot of power, and the results would be better than before, do not know how much.

Tang Hao Tang casting holding hammer, a light: "The full swing hammers for casting, can make their own strength into full play, but the same, a hammer down, rebound will give their cause a great load, if no suitable method to guide it, is not only easy to hurt yourself, will also cause the loss of a part of the force, not acting on the metal. Now I carefully watch the action you want, it will be put in a short time you can iron fist the size of the block key to tapping into. "

Take a deep breath, Tang Hao's eyes became focused on them, along with three pairs of bellows Tang pull, the entire iron has burned red, white flame leapt up, so the room became very hot.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

twins wu soul three

Tang know why nodded. Tang Hao stood up, never looking back in the room went.

Get the lunch side, Tang I keep thinking about the world today Wuhun contacts, twin Wuhun, it seems that very few in this world that should exist, otherwise, the father will not be so surprised. It appears that he seems to make him the hammer Wuhun great touch.

For him, it is more important and Xuan Tian Gong Wuhun the relationship between the ring if that is his soul could not break through the key Xuan Tian Gong, then, no matter what, we must find a way to get a ring to test the soul.

Lunch, Tang Hao looked very quiet, even the appetite seems much less than usual, his eyes fell on Tang, who from time to time, as if hesitating what.

After lunch, Tang pick up the habit of preparing dishes, but was stopped Tang Hao.

"Wait a minute and then pack it. Primary Three, I ask you, do you want to be a soul division?"

Tang Somewhat taken aback to see the Tang Hao, He would not deceive his father, after hesitating a moment, nodded.

Tang Hao sigh, face looks a bit more old, "you will eventually go this path to choose." He just say this word, and then returned to his apartment.

Tang found that Tang Hao exclaimed, when emotions are disappointed, but more of it is a happy expression. He knows in his heart the father, it seems that a lot of things hidden.

Put away dishes, Tang returned to his room to continue his work, cast iron hammer and tinkle of the collision rhythmic sound. Although do not know when to be able to create a piece of pig iron fist size requirements Tang Hao, but this casting method for enhancing the use of his work but Tien has no small benefits, the effect of physical exercise is also good. Tang has begun to try to use as little as possible of the internal force to swing hammers Xuan Tian Gong, so he swing at each successive time you can maintain a longer time.

When the afternoon to beat for more than three, the feeling of the piece of iron on the wipe can also foster a number of impurities, the curtain off, Tang Hao came. This afternoon, he does not seem to create tools, at least Don did not hear the familiar three-beat sound.

"Dad." Tang look to the father, in the hands of unconscious hammer stopped.

Tang Hao made a gesture to let him continue to stand still walked away, not opening, just looked at him.

This continues to hammer Tang Hui, this time, his clothes have been soaked in sweat. To his current internal force, not enough to reach to adapt to the degree of temperature, not to mention, it is definitely a heavy physical labor.

When, when, when, when, when ... ..., knocking constantly ringing, and Tang, young body and the hands of the hammer and out of proportion, but picked up a hammer every time it is acted powerfully.

Tang Hao mind illegal channels, born with innate divine power over the soul, no wonder he was so small you can swing a hammer. Old Jack may have been correct and should not be affected because of their decadence to this child's development, on the way, let him go to go.

Tang sweating watching, Tang Hao was finally made up my mind.

"Pause." Tang Hao began.

Tang put down the hammer, slightly some breathing space, the body of Xuan Tian Gong quietly pushed the interest rate adjustment to restore his strength.

Tang Hao Tang went in front, took a hammer in his hand, look at the fire burned the red iron, "beat like you, even a year can not make it into a fist-sized."

Tang's father looked up and looked at the tall, "then how can I do?"

Tang Hao cold, said: "Tell me, when you swing it when casting hammer percussion, the first development effort where the body?"

Tang thought for a while, said: "It should be right back. Driven back from the waist, and then bring the arm picked up casting hammer?"

Tang Hao and Tang did not confirm or deny the statement continued and asked, "In addition to the human body other than the brain, the most important thing is where?"

"Is the heart." Tang did not hesitate to answer. Heart and brain is also a fatal moment where there is the skull protecting the brain, heart, skin and muscle but only just. As a disciple of Tang Men, for his body structure is very clear, with a hidden weapon pierced the heart of the enemy, is the most effective method is the most deadly simple.

Tang Hao paused, it said: "Then you tell me that a person has a few heart."

"Ah?" Tang looked at him surprised, puzzled some. Few people have the heart goes without saying it?

"Answer me." Tang Hao looked at him coldly, the pressure on the body and breath that Tang force some out of breath.


Tang Hao shook his head and said: "No, you're wrong. Remember, the human heart has three, not one."

"Three?" Tang Tang Hao looked stunned, do not understand what he meant.

Tang Hao reverse the hands of the casting hammer, Tang touched with a hammer handle the two legs, "here. One of the two calf muscles, is the heart of the second and third stars. A person, if you want to the full force of his play, then, must be the result of three heart operations at the same time. Therefore, hair force, not to the waist as the starting. three heart is the starting point. "

"When you fast beating heart within the chest when the leg starting from the two mana, strength uploaded to the thigh, through the waist, back, arms, and finally released. This is quanliyiji. The heart of force, the waist is axis. looked at. "

go to twins wu soul two