Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wu Tong Test

Early in the morning, Qin Hill with his wife to a son and a daughter towards the starting position Luo Jiang Grand Place. Today is a big day for military children tested, Qin sleeve is particularly excited.

Although Qin Hill prudent to show his side, but deep down in the impassioned, will be inadvertently or performance, unparalleled natural hiding from the eyes of the Qin.

This is the family ha!

Every step of the way his life are full of their care and love, expectations and wishes!

If only to make fun happy father and sister, this force children out of the test also points to the results, Qin Warriors secretly made up his mind.

Is not it pours.

Qin Warriors riveting enough this time is intended to voice Ming Yat Ming, a decline of Qin has always been a Zhuangzhuang momentum, wash bad luck, back for the most popular.

The entrance to the plaza, has brought together a lot of people. As a rule, accompanied by relatives and friends is not to come in.

Long lines the entrance, are waiting to approach the Wu-tung. Qin Warriors swept in a circle, you find a lot of familiar faces.

"Hill, you son to disturb the busy ah?" East Town Association, herbal shop bovine dispensers bulging belly swaying Maitreya came in tone, not without a joke.

This is his second son with his buck teeth force children to participate in fighting cattle testing.

Warriors of Qin cow fighting that fellow a few years, far longer Meimuqingxiu, more attractive than themselves, upset under the red than the fist than the Qin Warriors, sneered: "The Qin Warriors, this section is intended for children or armed Sec ah? "

Qin Warriors do not want to spend for this kind of mentally thinking, smiling, and her sister did not have a ride a ride to chat, direct disregard of the existence of fighting cattle.

"Well, boy, better not hit my hand!" Discussion had a dull cow fighting, cursing Lie Lie Road.

"Hey ... ..." Qin Warriors even the mouth are deep fried, this person is not willing to waste water.

Took my sister, went forward. Qin Hill couples do not make more polite and cattle dispensers, a touch perfunctory few words, direct leave. For a poor family to seize their own industries and qualifications wolves, and then kind are virtual.

Qin Warriors suddenly stopped, as far in front, Zhang Rui and trade dress of the figures with several nobles, where finger-pointing, look here from time to time towards the aim to Qin.

Aristocratic clothing also pay attention to different grades of nobles, dressed also different. Clothes and body were roughly similar, but the above pattern, has the color of belt, but has a distinctive difference.

At a glance, Zhang Rui trade group of people, there are three prominent family patriarch, and one turned out to be wealthy patriarch, is surprised that wealthy patriarch Hui - Xu Sanli.

Qin Hill knows the identity of their own now, and these people approached only knocked, not making false polite, going directly to a pass.

"Qin Hill!"

Did not just walk a few steps, Zhang Rui shouted trade.

Qin Hill stood still, slowly and asked: "What advice?"

"You're a mere poor family patriarch, to see so many classic, actually silent, did not say hello to leave? Know anything about the etiquette? Particularly the promise sir, as you know what he is?" Zhang Rui Hujiahuwei trade, this moment inconvenient to mention revenge killing children, so ashamed, but shame Qin find the opportunity, he never let go.

Xu, Jun Cheng Luo Jiang, only one of three giants. Jiang county in Romania, the forces is quite substantial! Qin Hill, of course understanding. Is the mastermind behind their family business is not the number one wolf it?

The aristocratic, is itself a poor family will not be fancy District seat. But they themselves do not need, does not mean that friends and relatives do not.

The strength of everything in this world, who do not want to arrange some more powerful force around? Moreover, the assets of Qin, in the eyes of these people, indeed, block fat!

Qin Hill in front of their children, both eyes were staring at one, the subject of interrogation, times feel humiliated.

In Baiyue country, informal occasion, with the nobility as beneath contempt, in fact, they do not care about etiquette. Can you lower position than the others, if the care about each other up, or suffer themselves.

Is planning to bite the bullet salute to avoid the sinking. Qin Warriors suddenly stopped in front, laughing: "Zhang sir, I think you look very good, is not what a nightmare last night that it?"

"Boy, are you saying?" Zhang Rui eyes suddenly stare trade.

"I said everyone should leave room for good! Good conscience to do too much during the day and at night there is always a nightmare to find on top of. Dear sir, we can not this over a hundred precepts, in an informal setting a higher grade of noble obligation to bow, right? "Anyway, first reason to occupy.

Zhang Rui eyes straight trade transfer, suspicion uncertain. Qin Warriors immediately sent these words and their hands tied to the death. Is ... ...

No way! He immediately reverse this assumption. Qin what bottom line, he too familiar with Zhang Rui trade.

That gentleman glanced Xu Qin Xu Sanli Hill one, indifferent spoke: "This is the Qin Hill brother, right? Advise you to an old lady, the key is to know life back into the knowledge of the letting go is to have let go of consciousness. The 'Family On the goods', and you get yourself into! "

Naked threat, it sounds like is not quite so vicious Rui Zhang and trade, but the nature of the wolf is a significant doubt.

Qin Warriors leisurely smile: "Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know how many forces in the Qin me eyeing the seat in a poor family, but rest assured, this poor family seat, I guarantee father and son, will leave you."

And Zhang Rui Xu Sanli trade alone, and even behind him and Qin Qin Hill sleeve, all eyes opened wide.

"Qin Warriors, you say?" Qin sleeve emergency pull his brother to prevent him to continue to be silly.

Qin unparalleled calm, arch of the hand: "It's that fixed, you sir, we'll see you later."

"Ah, 识时务者为俊杰! Hill brother, your son than you are flexible." I do not know is that like the Qin Xu Sanli unparalleled, or loss of Qin Hill.

Pulling a dozen paces Warriors of Qin, Qin Qin sleeve can not help but get angry to throw off the hand of unparalleled, but also grief, but also angry: "Warriors, my sister has been hurt you, but today, you even say such a shame it! you still are not Qinjia Zi brother up? "

Qin although there is no martial arts talent sleeve, personality is gentle and kind. Speaking of the family business can be, but it is sensual disability benefits, is clearly sad to the extreme distress. Eyes were reddish, Jiyu tears.

Hill did not speak of Qin, Qin unparalleled look at, so talk to him.

"My father, my sister. I am sixteen years old, officially an adult, considered a man of the bar. I ask you, I was born to the present, when the family sold a thing done?"

Father and daughter looked at each other, think, Qin Warriors childhood rigorous practice martial arts almost to the point of crazy. Him so hard, for what? Of course, hold up the family's future!

To say that he would betray the family, how they will not believe. But just now, he said those words of shortness of breath!

"I say that, have my reasons. Father, sister, will you believe me, anyway, I will not let Qin then step back!"

Qin Warriors remark is indeed funny Xu Sanli and Zhang Rui of these cattle trade. In just that moment, he had made up our mind, since they want to seek seats in the Qin family poor family, then to them.

Of course, this naturally will not be white to. Bring them to a wealthy family in the seats to change!

Yes, Qin Warriors have decided on the -

Take this as a stepping stone to trade Swiss and Xu Sanli complete Qin rise again!

Trade and Qin Zhang Rui far looked at the back of their families, lost smiles: "Xu lord, this kid Qin mind is not clear, his words, not very credible."

Xu Sanli or that expression lightly: "trusted trusted, then the same thing also. I permit any person locked in the flesh, and he Qin willing to let go, is their good fortune; not willing to let go, and what is not know how to appreciate favors . "

Jun Cheng Luo Jiang Xu Sanli But this tyrant, his eye on this fat Qin, Qin is really only waiting for the bite.

Zhang Rui, a relative trade before the array is also entrusted his relationship to the poor family to seek a seat to seek the Qin.

See Hsu's this firm stand, their relatives and fear that is hopeless.

Think that three or four acres of fertile Qin Zhang Rui heart to dramatically speed up the trade, he coveted those fertile, nor is it one or two days ah.

Luo Jiang Jun Cheng of the giant forces, in addition to aloof of Xi family. Will the number of the three giants, led by Hui had.

Xi family of lofty, superior forces, the official Luo River on the county, of course, will not participate in such trivial disputes.

Since then it moved Xu mind, this Luo Jiang Jun Cheng, Which also forces you win a fight?

Think about Chang, Hsu's charge forward, even to catch his son's life is, the end, it was Hsu's swallow fat, he was somewhat uncomfortable. Especially after his son died, this is not comfortable with even more serious.

But he is only Wang Rui Zhang Trade clan only. Prominent families like him, the whole county enough to have eight Jiang Luo. Although nominally only a thin level than the wealthy, can vary but it is not unreasonable position count.

For example, make a straightforward point, Hsu casually sent a strong enough to destroy him are full of Zhang Rui trade!

Zhang Rui against go against free trade, but no way. Felt very bad, really bad luck of. Did not have the lamb, but provoked an air show.

An Xiehuo stomach naturally all counted in the Qin head. Teeth in his heart: "Qin Qin Hill Hill ah, I do not get anything even if your land, you must also kill his son, kinky your daughter!"

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