Thursday, May 26, 2011

another mystery

Simon thousands of men see that the atmosphere does not lean man, Yin Cece smile, stand up and rescue: "respect for the two, my young master is just a joke earlier, can not be taken seriously. The intention is to promote fair competition. That poor family is not a challenge to wealthy Xu Qin s? Our large valves, as Simon states the first family of Southern Cloud, an obligation to maintain the southern counties of the state of commodities cloud atmosphere. previously of the language, just to remind the family of Xi to a neutral position, not his intention. "

Jian Mei Man brow microfold: "This makes him sincerely hope that you have no meaning. Family of products, presided over by the Holy Zhenwu, other forces, if any family get in the way, not only wrong people, will also self-correct. Therefore, this so that the poor family Qin As the parties involved in the family of products, should not be any discrimination and unfair treatment. "

His remark was full surprised. Zhenwu that is not just leave the Holy Land. Only on paper but fair justice, the principle of fair and nothing more.

Between valve and a poor family in the large, true messenger of the Holy Land as long as the sophisticated weapons accessible, clear-headed, all should know the pros and cons. But the front of the Messenger of adults, as if words are partial to a poor family in the Qin actually means.

In the end is the wrong ear, or the wind changed Baiyue country? When large valve face but not as a mere family so that a poor family then?

Simon also find thousands of incredible, reasonably speculate. Even if his sentence is something wrong, it might also have laughed at is entirely a matter can be re-light. The messenger of the Holy Land Zhenwu, so exaggeration, it was clearly intended the seriousness.

No doubt, it is definitely not what Zhenwu impartiality in the expression of the Holy Land, and there must be another mystery.

But today, on this occasion, Simon thousands know, the angel of the Holy Land since Zhenwu speaker, his face is a lost set, back wherever he goes is simply nonsense.

Stay longer, I am afraid the larger the face off. The moment a hand over, lightly: "Simon thousand previous aphasia, please also bear with adults is a messenger. Here on business, I go ahead and excuse me."

Finished, livid face, then Wangwai go. Large valve force in the true children of the Holy Land before the angels of good episodes, but does not mean he can not put that spectrum.

Reached the status of the five national XII valve height, throughout the country are a few of the forces Baiyue in the Holy Land but also as Zhenwu patron, was also pulse.

Jian Mei grizzled old man and that the first phase point of view, not blocked.

Qin Warriors suddenly faint smile, leisurely spoke: "Simon, son, there is a saying here is not to your liking, have to advise you - people will Ziwu, then insult the people. Big valve family, in front of people is nothing more than clouds worthless Bale. you self-sustaining status, the first insult of Xi family, and then insult my poor family Qin, but in reality Ziwu, and no wonder people insult you. "

Enlightening speech, ringing. Sold-out stunned. They previously have had the experience of Qin Warriors clank in front of proud and wealthy children. No one think this is so BU Qinjia Zi Jin, children in front of a large valve, direct language, had to respect, unafraid.

Qin Warriors stereotypes previously that several family have children, lost in thought at this time can not help, actually some shame, thinking that a poor family, although the children of the Qin Warriors, but the courage and pride, but it is far less than they are. Ask yourself this instance, the change for them, dare to challenge the Simon thousands of it?

Simon thousands of rage, rushed to the vertices in this moment. For as usual, the children acted so provocative a poor family, he had shot, leaving the other party an unforgettable lesson.

But now, the situation, he was only depressed. Repeatedly looked Qin Warriors, a black line, awe-inspiring: "The Qin Jiazi, clouds in the southern states, and I dare say that Simon and other large valves, then, you're the first one. Sooner or later, you will understand that the cost of your ordinary poor family can not shirk! "

"I will wait and see." Qin Warriors calm smile. Threat, then thousands of past lives Offer at least ten times more than Simon who, no less than ten said so, but in the end but no one can be honored.

Jiang and Luo Qin Hill County previously met several noble chatting in the backyard, That came after the event until the hall, listening to talk about the matter Qin sleeve is more than anger disappeared, Simon heard a large valve intervention is more worried about feeling faint very.

A birthday party, and ultimately forces the parties to the infighting has become a preview.

Zhenwu two holy angels, and greeting a few of Xi Heng, a gift will be sent, nor stay long. Messenger that gray beard, and Qin Warriors in the eye glances, smiling mouth only, and not too much close.

Guests worried, hastily after eating, they leave out. No one knows, at this time be considered to be family Xi big valve Simon getting mad.

Simon Large valve Who is that? That was the strong presence of Baiyue several States, the first dominant southern Cloud State, the undisputed number one family.

In contrast, a county of District XI of the Lord family, and what could be considered?

Xi Heng see in the eyes of not exposed the, let matters drift.

Of the wind Supergrass, welled up with tears. In this critical moment, but more to see some things that usually can not see.

Not a moment, walked seven thousand seven hundred eighty-eight sold-out guests, and the rest of Xi with the family but buddy.

Qin'd poor family, but no go.

No other openings up to Xi Heng Qin Warriors said: "The Da Xi patriarch, the old lady's condition, prepare a spare room, I'll be patient facilities for the old lady."

Of Xi Heng blush, secretly admire Qin unparalleled mind. Simon thousands of previously warmed up to Xi Heng Although there is no insult to injury, in fact tantamount to clarifying the relationship between poor family Qin. Qin Warriors do not want to let go, even had the willing patient facilities for the old lady, which shows a broad mind.

Warriors of the Qin Xi constant seems to see through the mind, smiled and said: "I said, the treatment for the old lady, just look in the face of Xi brother. Human variety, with me?"

This is truly aware of Xi Heng, empty eyes are not young white teeth fitted lofty, but Xinkouruyi indeed ethical, does not figure what he was up to Xi family.

Otherwise, the case previously, Qin Warriors should have just walk away.

The old lady with a clock is the real damage is the main therapeutic approach to take with the natural vein, Sanyinjiao, acupuncture of gold, complemented by infuriating ease once a day, every two quarter of an hour.

Qin Acupuncture is unparalleled Past champions, cast out spirits and unpredictable. A needle down, and immediately show the power of large Kathrine.

Coupled with the training of unparalleled Qin Yan Yang infuriating, is the expulsion of damp air of the most symptomatic.

Obscure dead woman had dark complexion, a moment later with glory. Xi Heng infuriating than of supply is more efficacious.

"The old lady, so Shi pin two weeks, your body can heal. As for the skill to restore layers, but depends on the individual good fortune, the power of non-human."

The old lady music from ear to ear: "I am nearly eight years late, Near death into the soil. Skill what is important, not just to later years of illness that is good fortune. Ah Heng, from today, a poor family Qin, Xi is my family up to the big benefactor! you need to keep in mind that live up to people from the Xi family, let alone benefactor! "

Xi Heng stuck up, not daring to argue, just nod.

"Laoshen know, those elders Gongsifenming family, a large valve in front of Simon self-preservation. Their right, but Laoshen want you to remember that famous, is man's basic bottom line."

Hang Xi is hesitating over how to answer, but is free and easy smile Qin Warriors: "The old lady, that do not have any more of a benefactor. I'm a poor family Qin though humble, but not the generation put en a favor. I shot Shi needle, it is because My brother compatibility with up to XI, if a large valve that Simon was Woyu deathbed, is kneeling down to ask me, I'll never applied on a needle! "

Ranging up to respond to constant Xi, Qin Warriors had walked toward the door. Hall with his father and sister came to join up to Xi Ming Qin Warriors brother of a super-Bao Quan: "Da Xi brother, this time tomorrow, please bring an adult to the inn that her grandmother, Shi-pin half time, instantly healed."

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